
This better not be a pile of shit like Crysis 2. Go back to its roots. Like Far Cry and Crysis...and hell yeah.

Wow. I'm blown away.

Wow. I'm blown away.

Well I know for a fact I wll be buying Battlefield 3, PC is the lead platform.

:( Ace Combat would be so nice on PC. PC gamers haven't had a proper arcade like combat flight sim in a long time (HAWX doesn't even come close). They would make a lot of extra money.

I think we will se Crysis 2 in DX11.

So I can multitask Crysis, Crysis: Warhead, Crysis 2 in DX11, and Battlefield using that cool swiping?

It's not superior. Crysis 2 is just a bad implementation of CE3.

No it isn't. Crysis 2 is just a bad implmentation of CryEngine 3.

No CryEngine 3 ia a way better engine, but Crysis 2 barely utilizes it.

Can we just have a remake of CoD 4 with way better graphics?

Derp. The PS3 does not use a PC architecture by any stretch (which is why multiplatform games almost always end up worse on the PS3).

Oh...who writes the script? Because I'm seriously confused as to why Ash hasn't banged Misty yet.

Finally! About time GMA 950s could stop maxing out CoD games at 2560x1440.

1960-1969 i think..even though some of the weapons are from the later 70s and early 80s.

Crysis 3 is being made first on iPhones and iPads.

Nope. nothing will ever run Crysis.

Hopefully this means they will spend a little more time on the PC version and it wont be an unoptimized shit filled scrotum on a disc like Black Ops was?

Wii version of WaW didn't have Nazi Zombies (and considerin ghtat was the only part of WaW worth playing, it sucked.)

Wow imagine SexTime like this!