
Probably couldn't get to a table. When Samantha mentioned games that sold out before the hall opened, I assumed she was referencing SeaFall.

Well, it's a big, big hall and there are many, many games. Given the popularity of 7 Wonders: Duel, I imagine some people are interested in the expansion.

Haven't played Journey so it sounds like I should give this a try as it is available on PC. Thanks for the write up, Nick.

I've got Invisible, Inc. in the queue. Now, to play it!

Did everyone play Act IV of Kentucky Route Zero last weekend? Guess I'm late to the conversation but I hope to do that this weekend.

I'm jealous. Buy lots of new hotness games for me.

Are people excited for Episode 4 of Kentucky Route Zero? I know I am!

Sounds like Punderdome appeals the most to me because it requires something of you. I dislike how lazy games like Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity allow players to be. I know some people prefer it for that reason, but it is not my preference.

1949: Germany, still in ruins from WWII, is split in two, as the Iron Curtain of the Cold War descends. East Germany and West Germany become bitter rivals, each wanting to show its system is superior. Which will reconstruct quicker? Which will make its people happier? Socialism vs Capitalism; collectivism vs

Have you given Wir Sind Das Volk! a try?

COIN games, which Andrean Abyss is a part of, are very fun. Give Cuba Libre a try first to see if you like it. Smallest board, quickest playtime.

I've heard good things about this - kind of like backwards chess.

Thanks for the writeup, Samantha. One of the things that I think makes modern boardgaming such a fun hobby is all the ways you can group games: thematically, mechanically, number of players, designer, etc. It was fun to see some games of different level and complexity grouped here.

^This. When I saw the title it was the first game I expected to see. I haven't played it yet but it is at the top of my list for games with this theme. And since it is a true coop, you win and lose together.

Thanks for the tip on this, Derrick. Sounds like something worth checking out.

Play Pandemic: Legacy Season 1 through to completion. I've been meaning to get a copy and I want to get two friends to commit to play once every two weeks until we are done.

This is a future game that time forgot entry.

I'm happy to wait until they are ready. They've earned my patience and I have plenty of other things to keep me busy. All the same, when it shows up it'll be like receiving an unexpected gift.

I'm glad to hear it. I played across generations with family over the holidays and found it to be just as enjoyable as years of references came out. I learned about Breck Shampoo, for instance.

Exactly. You can learn a lot about people through this game. I haven't played it with my family or a cross-generational group yet, and I'm curious to see what that looks like.