
I liked the puzzle. When we realized there were no more locations to visit, we hunkered down and channeled our Asylum thinking to figure out what we might have overlooked. So we eventually got the first puzzle and then botched the second part when we mistook purple to be the same color as the black. Whoops!

We had also

As a follow up to last week's post, I did in fact get to play the latest expansion to T.I.M.E. Stories, Lumen Fidei. It was everything I was hoping for in terms of the meta-narrative. Very curious to see where story goes from here based on the end of the scenario. Anyone else played this or is it just me at this point?

Seconded on The Grizzled. It really evokes the personal cost of war in a way that hadn't hit me as hard since the time I read All Quiet on the Western Front. It really leaves me a good kind of sad.

This is why I like Betrayal too. Yeah, the odds may be stacked against you. Now you have to come up with the best guess. You may have an epic upset or you might get mown down like so many horny teenagers in a slasher film. The story ends up being fun for me regardless.

Marklin edition adds a fun pick-up-and-deliver element to the game. And Nordic Countries is in my opinion the definitive two player map.

One of my favorite Gameological memories was the day the staff found a weird die and asked the community to figure out what board game it came from. I spent my entire afternoon trying to figure out the origin of that die with the others who became enthralled too.

Lots of game playing on the slate for this weekend.

I like this a list a lot (especially around the King Ghidorah inclusions). My only suggestion would be to add Hot Guacamole off of MM…Leftovers that features MF DOOM and MC Paul Barman trading bars in the most joyous way possible. It's a great balance to the more apocalyptic DOOM of Born Like This. Check it out here:

I had no idea the identity of Mr. Fantastik was unknown. Intriguing!

Super duper late, but this is a great example of a so-so game put over the top by its production value.

This is what we do as well, which has been working for us.

I'm curious to see where you go with this on the tabletop front. Some games' art direction really make the rest of a so-so or warmed over mechanic sing. Above and Below by Ryan Laukut is one of those games for me. It's so pretty and the idea of it so whimsical that the art carries a light worker placement game. It

What are you thoughts on it after your plays? Sorry if you posted them previously. If so, a link will suffice.

I don't know that I'll be gaming this weekend, but I did a bunch last week. Con of the North, a gaming convention that takes place every February in a Minneapolis suburb, happened and I tried to play all the games. My reactions:

Thanks for including a few board games on there! I too am looking forward to more T.I.M.E. Stories scenarios, largely due to the overarching meta-story.

My group had the opposite experience. We got just far enough in Prophecy on our first run to put together a strong team for try number two composed of all magic users and succeeded on our second run. In Under the Mask, we had trouble finding a specific item so it seemed to stall out more.

Everything said here is true. However, many people are reselling the game since they feel it can't be replayed so you can buy a used copy on the cheap if you know where to look. Often time with all the expansion episodes with it.

I liked T.I.M.E. Stories: A Prophecy of Dragons because it made me feel like I was participating in serialized television.

Really? I stand corrected! Thanks.