
My wife promised to learn and play Robinson Crusoe with me this weekend so I hope to do that. Also, I'm hooked on the lovely frequency of Starseed Pilgrim. What a tranquil, challenging game.

I've always wanted to try Vikings. I hear it is good fun.

It most certainly is KR0.

In the past week, I managed to beat Rogue: Legacy, the new game +, and then did it a third time so I could find all the gear. I like that game so much I may do a fourth play through because it keeps scaling the difficulty so well with creatures in the castle (the bosses, however, get easier).

KR0 is great and chapter 3 adds an interesting wrinkle. I hope to play the mini episode between 3 and 4 this weekend. Calling the hotline for it was like playing the game itself. So clever.

Last weekend I successfully beat Rogue: Legacy for the first time. What a game! And I did it with a perma-roided Lich King that had the flame spell. I'll likely play through some more of the new game+ to see the rest of the blueprints I can collect.

I may also gift it to a friend who is a blogger for YA lit. I could see this being up her alley too.

Yeah! This is definitely going to be a gift for my wife. Which I will also play after she gets first crack at it.

I've been playing a lot as assassins and hokages. Can't figure out how to succeed well with the archmage though. What are you finding success with class-wise?

Thank you for alerting me to this. Now KR0 will also be in my weekend gaming plans.

I dug in deep to Rogue: Legacy and am still addicted after 28 hours of play. I'm so close to beating Herodotus for the first time, which will then give me access to the throne room. So close…… What a fantastic game.

Nor have I. I've heard people claim they get 25 every time but I don't know how they are doing it without setting up codes before hand.

Thanks for covering some of the smaller or more unknown titles. So many wrap-ups only give you the roundup on the games getting the most press before hand. How did you end up selecting the games you did?

Perhaps Hanabi or Space Alert would work for you.

Yes. Lots. I've been doing a fair amount of solo gaming this year with my wife back in school. You can turn almost any coop game into a single player and many others are made for solo play. Here's a random sample including some from both lists (from least difficult to most):

Spit in it? Throw dirt in it? Turn on a fan and blow air into it until the big open eye dries out and becomes uncomfortable?

Heavy board gaming weekend with friends! It will likely include the following:

I'm curious to give it a try because of how quickly it plays, but will probably end up sticking with The Resistance or Coup.

I'll comment about any old game, truth be told.

I wish that I was able to do so because I was a classy gentleman rather than having too keen an interest in board games currently and James Bond in my youth.