
Woo! Three reviews in one week. Thanks Gameological 2.0!

Backgammon board or baccarat cards?

So what you're saying is that you are looking for a….

The way I feel about this game, and The Sims more generally, is represented by the man's face in the header image attached to this article.

I've seen footage of it.

Just played Act III and found this analysis to be spot on. It wasn't mentioned, but I also saw it in the analogy about the old trees hanging on for too long and choking out new growth. Ouch.

I can't imagine any euro or nerdier style games getting adapted. Heck, I was even surprised to see Pictureka! up there. But if I had to guess which game could survive the adaptation, it would be Twilight Struggle. How sweet would it be to watch two players battle it out with crazy production values behind them, a la

I also wanted to be optimistic about the fact that I too have noticed a reduction in the kinds of articles provided and in their frequency. While Matt does admit they are being pickier, I can imagine a situation where the writers WANT to create more reviews/thinkpieces/etc. without biting the hand that feeds in the

My guess is that it is summer and things tend to be slower.

Watching people speed run Megaman 2 leaves me in awe.

the game is terrible. it aspires to be something more than your typical board game with exploration, unique character powers, asymmetrical victory conditions and a combat system. but it's trash. even the rule book was written poorly.

Having some friends come over to dip their toes into some nerdier table top games. I'm guessing we'll bring out some of the following as suggestions since they've already done Carcassonne

I only made it into the first part of the first level before getting too scared and I was playing in the middle of the day.

Very interested in Super Time Force Ultra. If you do get it, let the community know what you think!

Would spectate unless browser works since I opt for a dumb phone.

I hope you find the super secret ending.

Did anyone else get the sense that Fibbage seems like an online game of Balderdash? This sits well with me as I love Balderdsah.

It's a fun game, although some people don't like combat. Still, with many paths to win and different starting civilizations, it can make for a good time if you have 2 to 4 hours.

A trivia based dungeon crawler sounds amazing. I'm surprised this doesn't exist if it doesn't already.