
SMB was so much fun. There is a lot of game packed into it between the dark world, unlockable characters, etc.

Drew Toal?

It is stuff like this that makes Gameological feel like an actual community and not a wall that people yell at.. Thanks for the piece, Patrick!

I'm glad you brought up the image of "a kid galumphing through fresh snow."

Coincidence? I think not.

Preferred to talking about baseball.

The Wii. Prior to that, the Nintendo Entertainment System.

I'll have to check it out.

Hopefully Klinnsman works his "German connection"

Or re-sign with Miami at a fraction of the cost so that they can sign useful role players!

I thought the most exciting sports moment was Game 6 of last year's NBA finals when Ray Allen hit that crazy three to save the series for Miami. But then again, I'm not a baseball fan - I don't even know what happened in the game referenced by Mr. Toal.

Tell me about Alistair Reynolds and why you would burst through doors at the mention of his name.

Sounds neat. I'd play this but I'll likely never own as PS4 or Vita. Alas.

A lot of board games have allowed for asymmetrical experiences and several of those have been successful. A few were recently highlighted by Samantha Nelson in her most recent Gaming Unplugged column.

Strike that. Reverse it!

This was true in 2005 but now the Spurs play the most appealing brand of basketball in the league.

I would play this. The challenge of having your body do one thing while your hands (and the character on screen) does another is something I'd welcome.

Can you blame him with the way LeBron had been playing? I'm guessing he was coached to do so, which would be a criticism of the adjustment in the scheme.