
What will it be? A bud?

I'm not a fan of either the Spurs or Heat, but I love watching amazing basketball. And this series is amazing basketball so I've already won.

If you like watching defense, he is amazing. To watch him anticipate where he needs to be, to do it with the minimal amount of movement or energy required, is really something. Not quite as spry as he used to be, but still so dang smart.

Belgium has a young team of up and comers. They could be fun to root for now. And if they are dominant later you can say "I was supporting them since back in '14"

After watching my friend play about 80% of the original Crackdown (including the ending), I became convinced it was a racist-empowerment fantasy about law-enforcement cracking down on minorities and foreigners.

Turns out I do but am out of town that weekend. We can try for another time!

I'd play Limbo: Inside a Building. Looks like they are doing some neat things with background/foreground stuff.

I haven't loved Epic Yarn beyond the aesthetic. I feel like other Kirby games, although typically intended for kids, have not always been this easy. But I'm only in the fourth world so perhaps the difficulty spikes.

My muscle memory game is Contra. I got to the point where I could beat it consistently without losing a single life and think I could get back to that point without too much work. Second place is Super Mario Bros.

What table top games do you anticipate playing?

Thirded for mothers.

You are going to remake a classic video game from the ground up. What game do you choose? Why?

Your game is going on vacation. Where does it visit and why?

What single piece of art influenced your game the most? How?

I have an irrational disinterest in podcasts, but I'm a fan of anything that brings the world more Bonney Teti.

Characters make a difference in Double dash since their size determines what kart you can drive. Also, characters had unique special items.

Super cool that you design too! I've thought a bit about it too (as I imagine most in the hobby do at some level) but that is even cooler that you've been published by Z-Man no less. I'll definitely keep an eye on what you've got coming through the pike!

So given the option, is your group always picking Eldritch?

Nice. Thanks for the link.

Thanks for the response. I may be willing to give it a try then, but with four at the max.