
I’ve gotta go with this little beauty here:

A bit of font color would fix a whole lot instead of all the black-box nonsense everyone else is mentioning.

Nah, If they made the PS5 logo blue it would be better, IMO.

As a “proud” OUYA owner, I can say with complete confidence that the Nintendo eShop is the closest thing to a continuation of the Ouya storefront that exists today; orange color scheme, poor performance and all. Only difference being that there are actually a good amount of good games on Nintendo’s store, but the

I started FF9 a year ago and finally binge-finished it this summer. I totally cried the entirety of the credits while sitting on my bed at 4am. Even though I kinda rushed through the game (using the boosters on the Switch version) and didn’t feel like I spent too much time with the characters, it still managed to fill

This orgasm brought to you by: HD Rumble™ 

She never told him his comments were making him uncomfortable and he wasn’t doing anything too inflammatory to begin with. This is a non-issue.

They are, but it’s going to come out later and will be smaller from what I hear. They’re demolishing a whole soundstage for the Hollywood version.

I really enjoy my Skyrim Collector’s Edition (even if it was the PS3 version *shudder*). I still have the Alduin “statue” proudly displayed on one of my shelves. Then again, I didn’t pay for it because it was a christmas gift, so I can’t really get buyer’s remorse from it. And yes, Alduin’s spikes make it hard to

If I were to guess, I’d imagine the animation would look similar to Dragon Quest: Your Story - decently good movement, but very deliberate looking and not quite as polished as a Pixar movie (understandably so).

If this game isn’t a full $60, I’m totally on board. I loved the space combat of Battlefront 2, so this is right up my alley.

If only Gearbox could sell or work out a deal to return the rights back to 3D Realms. I think 3D Realms’ recent management has proven they can do wonders for the franchise. However, I’m sure our old pal Randy Pitchford wouldn’t let that happen.

And you people wonder why most don’t consider you real journalists.

That grey arch near the top of it is supposedly the entrance to the Donkey Kong area, so it’ll probably be a fair bit bigger than the above picture...maybe?

I agree. 720p is more than enough to experience these games as best as they’re gonna look. I assume it’s to allow for re-texturing mods to shine, but those usually look bad as well.

I feel the exact same. I had both a PS2 and Gamecube growing up, but I never played skating games because I had no interest in them. Now I’m realizing how much of following these games really had.

As someone who’s been to an Akihabara arcade, sure the sounds are cool, but it reeks of cigarettes in there.

Woah, this is a surprise. Congrats to the other nominees!

Somewhat unrelated, but the page you posted encapsulates what I dislike about Ghost in the Shell’s source material. It’s so needlessly wordy that it felt like a chore to read. I basically forced myself to finish it for the sake of finishing it.

Looks like USB-C to me. I doubt they’d keep Micro-USB