@pyropetey: Thank you. That really added to the conversation. Why, without your input I'm not sure where this thread might have gone. God bless you, sir or ma'am.
@pyropetey: Thank you. That really added to the conversation. Why, without your input I'm not sure where this thread might have gone. God bless you, sir or ma'am.
Why the hell do we need our first-person view character to be a sex-pot anyway? In the actual image she looks like a woman toned from a job that involves a lot of physical activity, in the second she looks like she was pulled from any generic Japanese animation out there.
I got this email... right after an email from Xbox customer support over my one year old, red-ringed 360.
Oh, come on. I've seen Kotaku's coverage of games so I call bullshit. You might append a comment like "OKAY ARE WE DONE WITH MARIO NOW?!" after the post, but you'll still post the mario/sonic/megaman/vector-man/whatever levels here, even if it's years afterward LBP releases.
"THE ANOTHER WORLD" is the subtitle? Seriously? I mean it isn't as bad as "Infinite Undiscovery" but still...
Okay, do you know any Star Wars fan who's seriously thinking of buying this game who's suddenly going to not buy it because George Lucas is prominently involved? People were lining up for a midnight showing of Episode 3. Three! This was AFTER George had proved he couldn't direct good actors, nevermind the actors in…
Um, yeah. I guess I'm in favor of more games coming out in general. More is better.
"What I think everyone can agree on is that the U.S. needs a single video game show for the public"
"Then when I received the review code I saw much of the same issues, so I waited for the review code. Guess what? Still there."
@RTW: Man, I got SC4 instead of Street Fighter 4 because SF4 isn't out for the consoles yet. But you actually have the choice? Man, you suck.
I don't think popular culture sees the average gamer as twenty-six. Were that the case we'd have a lot fewer problems with M and AO rated games.
@Jawmuncher: PC first with 360 later I believe. Kinda the reverse Mass Effect.
@icegoat: ...No, it really doesn't take a fanboy to spot another fanboy. Fanboys are rather obvious.
@What The Geek: It isn't the same because one is mandatory while the other is optional. You want to add a donation button next to the download for maps so people can choose to give money to the creators that's fine. You start charging for it and I'll start avoiding it.
Why the hell are you people blathering on about XBox vs PlayStation in an article about the validity of microtransactions?
@foxhound417: "With this news, who is going to want to pick up a 20 gig 360 between now and August? If i worked at a retailer i would tell prospective buyers to wait for the 60 gig. And even worse i have two friends that just picked up 20 gig 360s for $350, they are going to be so pissed.
@bnpederson: Ah, guess I misunderstood the comment. Yes, it's because I want Rock Band 1 disk songs on Rock Band 2. Though I wouldn't put it past MTV games to try and sell me the Rock Band 1 songs for Rock Band 2 as DLC, ala Guitar Hero.
@Aerundel: Though I'm sure you're being sarcastic the obvious answer is price (and an unwillingness to pay for a product I already have). I do know, however, that if I could port over my RB1 songs to RB2 I'd buy RB2 the moment it comes out. As is if they continue to support RB1 with downloadable content I don't really…
Now if they'd just give me a way to make all the Rock Band 1 songs DLC for Rock Band 2 I'd be happy. Just let me pay $15 or whatever so I don't have to swap disks for songs, aye?