
@(俗・ ) Grey Gecko: It was old with American McGee's Alice, at this point it's so old it has become a traditional storytelling device.

Rock Band with DLC. I happen to have it on my 360 rather than my PS3 but that doesn't really matter. It's all about Rock Band. I play that thing more than any other game. Hell, more than some multiple games combined.

@Syco Killer: One for marketers, zero for bloggers, and I think gamers are sitting this one out. It isn't like there's any benefit to knowing a game'll maybe come out at some point in the future before it's officially announced that it'll maybe come out at some point in the future.

@hk458: Oh no, those were my thoughts I scrolled across the screen. I mostly just agreed with you the study was suspect, I didn't mean to infer you agreed to me as to why it was suspect.

Well I'm not really seeing the downside here. Then again I never saw a huge upside knowing Earthbound was rated for the North American market.

@hk458: I think they key to your statement was the phrase "what you are looking for." Studies, like statistics, can be manipulated by those who want to to fit anything you damned well please. Ask some leading questions, take answers from from specific audiences, the methods are many and varied. So I too am highly

@Antiterra: Good luck with that mate. :P Goodman carrliadiere hit the nail on the head; Final Fantasy games are about nothing but the CGI. CGI is where the big reveals are, where the great moments show up, where you actually see awesome fight scenes. Gameplay footage would be right boring. I'm as curious as the next

@lucky_7s: In my case it's because the FIRST trailer looks a lot like Half Life 2. Broken up buildings in a mostly destroyed city and the flying alien pods look a lot like the alien craft in Half Life 2, with the vaguely organic look.

@Kaizin514: They're weirdly shaped humanoids whose main AI tactic seems to be running straight at you and attacking until either you die or they do. In my mind that's a zombie. It could be a cyborg zombie or an alien zombie or a bug zombie or even a Norwegian berserker zombie, that's still a freaking zombie in my

@badasscat: "I'm not sure what some of you guys were expecting."

As someone who never played the first, despite owning a PS3, I have to say that footage looks... dull. I mean seriously, Half Life 2 was my first thought (ruined buildings like that obviously evoke HL2 in many minds) but the whole thing was just generic shooting. I dunno, maybe it had a great plot but nothing in there

@EnigmaNemesis: See, this is what Gamefly was made for. I can get the PS3 and 360 (and Wii and DS and I suppose I could get the PSP one even if I have nothing to play it on) version without having to shell out ~$120.

Giovanny Gutierrez is an awesome name.

@toejam316: Dude, defensive much? Calm down, it's just the interwebs.

Bitch bitch bitch. You ALL know you're still going to buy it, play it, and love it.

@DigiMish: And even then some things wouldn't be stopped. Half Life 2's source code, for example, was leaked before the game was even up for sale, never mind before its street date.

@Dave Silva: Eh, even if you're playing the game all the voice acting, models, textures, lighting, sound design, music, and everything else in the video is owned by whoever made the game. You paid for the game and you can play it just fine. You can even show it to other people. But try to broadcast it without

@ryivanV2: I think he's talking about the average owner, and frankly on HDTVs below ~37" I've can't see an appreciable difference, certainly not enough to buy a $150-$300 player and pay an additional $10 per DVD. Obviously it's a personal judgment, so your mileage may vary, but it doesn't make as much a difference

So if Japan is the land of the RPGs and America is the land of shooters, what's that make Europe? The land of Singstar and FIFA?