Bronx Resident Benjamin White

That’ll make them think twice about hooning it.

It’s a royal title. Brunei is an absolute monarchy that dates back to the 14th century.

Optimus Prime Day!

Elon is not smart. 

They only have consequences if it costs him his security clearance.  

“A Florida man...”

So if I’m reading you right, none of us should be buying cars capable of exploding in an impact?

What are you saying? That EVs making vroom vroom noises isn’t going to be a hot seller?

I want my ai to talk to me using the King’s English. Not some ‘relatable’ accent that’s insultingly patronizing or flat out insensitive because it was probably trained on stereotypes.

The one that has at least three black people inside. 

Sometimes in the rock hauling business, gotta commit or quit.

This is more of a Quahog thing

Is that heavier than 30K lbs tof bricks?

I bet he pronounces it "Brah-Cole-Li" 

I think it was a great success and we learned a lot. 

You'll have to take ACC and LKA from my cold dead steering wheel. 

I want people who don’t want a hamburger to eat a Caesar salad and not lie to themselves that the soy-based sandwich they're eating tastes like beef.

Wide angle shots can't make this abomination look pretty. 

I know it!  She put Duke im that coma too.  

Putting women back into the kitchen and an absolute hate to more than 55% of the American population? That’s always been the GOP platform.