Bronx Resident Benjamin White

I want to apologize to Ron Desantis for overestimating his political acumen and thinking he was a threat to the White House.

Thank you, kind sir! 

But think of the tax breaks they're getting from writing off movies and shows. 

That heap has been in this condition since it crashed and burned nearly 60 years ago, and the previous owner had 45 years to fix it. If they wanted to restore it, it would’ve been done already.

I know Twitter is the thing and place to be, but stop fucking with Twitter, people. 

Snow White is unseasoned chicken. Let Rachel Z put some adobo on it!

And it fails to even look at why a prop gun would have live rounds to begin with.

It’s all fun and games until they’re hit with a letter of admonishment

Elon's pagh is weak and it disgusts me. 

In the grand scheme of things when there were events such as half of humanity being wiped out, alien shapeshifters in the highest positions of world government, rogue robots, evil extragovernmental organizations trying to rule the planet, witches that can create dimensions, and gods, the idea that mutants are the

Well, enjoy the return of Trump, I suppose. 

This is conservatives trying to have it both ways. The same folks who want to tell you that they have the right to exclude a marginalized community then turn around and tell you that you don’t have the right to exclude them to serve a marginalized community.

And here I thought it was trying to explain why forbidden alchemy is forbidden.

I always thought it was because I overfilled the tank...

They were both terrible, and it’s a shame you could sacrifice only one of them.

Me, trying to understand anything about this:

Okay, who didn't think Lordstown, FF, Nikola, etc were obvious vaporware frauds?  I don't even know why you bothered to bring them up, the expectation for them to build anything was already on the floor to begin with. 

Good luck doing any kind of maintenance on that thing. 

Why are divorces so expensive?