Bronx Resident Benjamin White

Greenpeace hates the Prius, and people are okay with GM acquiring Tesla.

My guess: He must've told the family a million times that he didn't want to be there and they forced him to go anyway. 

Meh.  Kurt Russel’s a better Santa.

Proof that we are in the Bizarro dimension.

I’m fainting with damn praise. 

Irrelevant thoughts ahead:

I didn’t think they actually were doing those swaps on ND’s. The only time I heard about it was when they showed a shop car prototype on Larry Chen’s YouTube channel. The way they talked about what they went through to get the LS ECU to play nice with the Miata computers, it sounded like a complete pain in the ass.

Analogy. Just imagine you were managing a hedge fund, and the bulk of your assets was Monopoly money that your kid brother created on your printer.

I spent 30 minutes typing up a whole bunch of shit to explain this shit before I found a tweet that did it way better than I ever could’ve:

I can imagine his face when he made that joke:

It’s also likely that the people who would normally handle DMCA issues were fired.

HODL my diamond hands!


Nobody wants EV bikes.  They’ll buy a Bolt before they swing a leg over a livewire or Zero.

I’m all about my luxury MPV’s because even the Odyssey Absolute I take my kids to school in is light years ahead of the old Pacifica I used to ferry them in, but seriously:  Why does a minivan need 500 hp?

the boats were siezed because the owners were on the list of Russians under sanctions. They were under sanctions for having ties to putin.

“And also fuck aliens”

It also means allowing only the rich ones in. I always knew immigration was a bureaucratic nightmare, but what I didn’t expect was how expensive the whole damn thing is. Shocking to me, especially when every immigrant rags-to-riches story we’re told seems to start with somebody arriving with nothing but the shirt on