Bronx Resident Benjamin White

Hopefully not; the US has an extradition treaty with them.

Sister, RUN!!

Sometimes i think plummeting real estate values are something of a sunken cost fallacy. If I’m not planning to sell my home within the next five years or so, outside of property taxes I don’t know if I should be concerned. If I do plan on selling, the other side of this issue is that with these inflated real estate

If the shoe fits... 

And when the cars were big and the guns were small. 

And I pity the former.

That Penske-Ilmor engine was sponsored by Mercedes, but not engineered by then. Pushrods were beneath them.

Their idea of ‘debate’ is parroting Jordan Peterson/Ben Shapiro nonsense.

But they ARE the antichrist.

My decision to use GIMP is finally vindicated. 

I’m sorry, but Google Eyes™️ isn't supported for people over age 30. 

Tom is now "damaged goods" just like Brad Pitt and Alex Rodriguez 

Decisions like  playing overseas? Oh the shame of that! 

Oh, so because she makes more than you, shes not a victim of anything. Not discrimination against beingba lesbian, not racism, nothing. She should just Shut Up And Play.

So you hate onher because she’s making more than you and whatever arbitrary line of income you think she deserves?

A shame he can’t find happiness outside football like Randy Johnson has outside baseball

Less than $250k a year (before taxes)...that’s not the kind of money most people have not hope of making. If she was making more money than most people hope to make from bouncing a ball, she would’ve had no need to ever set foot in Russia.

Is this supposed to make our government that’s teetering on the brink of fascism better somehow?

Being maintenance-free is why Americans flocked to Toyota, Nissan, and Honda.  Somehow, Yugo’s engineers missed that nugget of information about American car buyers.