Bronx Resident Benjamin White

But just their faces, though. 

Didn’t people get the memo after R. Kelly?

Do they not teach Prohibition anymore? 

You  must've forgot how much right winger bitching went on then New York mandated calorie counts on fast food menus, or when Michelle Obama wanted to put more veggies in school lunches. 

Don’t insurance companies already do this? 

I hope you fought that ticket on the grounds that there was no warning or advisory over that much oil being left on the roads. Driving at 15 mph probably would've been too fast for those conditions. 

Fucker Carlson did more than just ignore it, refuted assertions that he has mental issues:

Everybody out there sleeping on GM’s Atlas 4.2.

“Today, it might seem strange that Black people would need their own travel guide just to move around within the United States.”

They’re rubbing their hands with glee over what he’ll do to “illegals” if this is what he’s doing to dogs.

Gym memberships only turn you into a different kind of asshole.  Skip the gym and take community college courses on emotional intelligence.

Jordan Peterson is a loser and so is anyone who thinks he has anything to say that’s worth listening to.

Why would these “traditional norms” need defending?


If this is not your reaction:

While we’re at it, we should probably stop projecting any kind of sexuality on cartoon characters. As a child of the 80's it never crossed my mind that Velma was a lesbian. To me, she was just a nerdy chick who spent way too much time hitting the books and looking for clues to bother with a boyfriend.

The patriarchy is not quaking. She’s a supermodel. The patriarchy is eagerly awaiting the moment the divorce becomes final.

Netflix had a golden opportunity after releasing The Queen’s Gambit

It’s $1,000 more the orignal MSRP. ND for a pedestrian car made famous by the Venture Brothers.

War do you mean?  People fall out of hospital windows all the time, don't they?