Gate checking is ok IF you get your luggage back at the gate when you land. If it goes to baggage claim, that defeats the whole purpose of a carryon.
Gate checking is ok IF you get your luggage back at the gate when you land. If it goes to baggage claim, that defeats the whole purpose of a carryon.
To get the best rates on Hilton, you need to prepay. But I always do pay at checkout.
My bank won’t take coins. So I had a bunch of Euros with me. I would have done this if I knew to get rid of said Euros.
Welcome to Lifehacker/Two Cents. This is probably my favorite blog. Per your request:
Yup. Exactly. Their router is only needed to get the TV guide of their TV service. So yes, use your own router.
The real winners are those Tesla owners that charge their cars at home with solar energy. The electric companies will hate it, but it will be fantastic cycle of clean energy.
It’s going to sound cheap, but it depends. Example:
Yup. The FiOS router have limited options and a small NAT table.
Meh. To me, it depends. One of my work trips to Seattle was so much fun that we recapped the trip the whole plane ride home. Some coworkers are much more fun than others.
Better yet, don’t use their router at all. Get ethernet from the ONT box directly into your router of choice. Their routers are pure garbage.
We did this for baby shower. Instead of cards, bring a book and put your name on it so we know who got it for her.
I only do the college fund (529) for people who ask. And even if that, I only do it with close family members. The other solution I have is clothes. These kids grow like weeds and clothes are much needed!
When that person gives a gift, they lose possession of it and don’t own it anymore. Thus if the receiver wants to donate it, that is up to them.
I won’t be able to do this when the kid gets older, but currently, our 2 year old has been showered with gifts on bday and Christmas. We have a closet full of them. What we do is we do a rotation of toys. However, we sometimes forget about a toy and she’s outgrown it already. For those, we sell them and put the…
Love you
Mine showed up a few weeks ago. Honestly, I never needed it. Turbo Tax asked me if I had insurance, I said yes, and that was it. It sites in my 2018 Taxes folder for the next 7 years.
Got a link to this? That is pretty strange.
Got a link to this? That is pretty strange.
Wife and I bought our home back in 2014, several months after we got married. Wife was all primed to move out of our 1 bedroom apt that we downsized to so we can save for our wedding. I wanted to wait a year or so, but she wasn’t. Whatevs. We borrowed from our TSP (work 401k) that is a 5 year loan. We went through…
Yes yes, limit choices because you don’t like it! The American way!
Or we can let him run and let the voters decide if they want him as their candidate.