
It’s quite easy to combat that.  Just run up to the player and stand in front of him until you hear the whistle.  Also, you have to look at the returner the whole time you are jetting down the field. 

Not all.  Some don’t even crawl, just walk.

I think this is iffy only because my daughter was on a bouncer and she freakin loved it.  Because of it, her legs are massive and muscular.  Not even 2 and can jump high and does a burpy to get up from the floor. 

We had a Batgirl walker when our daughter was 1.  She was sorta ok with it.  But then didn’t like it.  For the longest time, it sat in a corner so she couldn’t get to an surge protector.  She enjoyed the buttons and sounds it made and even crawled under it.  But was pretty much useless.  We just sold it to someone for

Yup.  I’ve shaved many a time without shaving cream or water.  Sucked, sure.  But no mess really. 

If Hydra was controlling things like Shield/Avengers was, what would they think of Thanos?

One thing Emily:  During certain big events overseas, some of the US providers will allow free roaming.  This was big for me at the World Cup this year.  I used nearly 40gb of data during my week in Russia over 3-4 different Russian providers.  Works well and fast.  Thanks AT&T.

Wife and I live 3 hours from family (grandparents) tho only my mom and stepdad are allowed to babysit. We don’t really have much help at all besides the babysitters we use. If wife wants to do something, I stay home with our daughter (just about 2 yrs old). And vice versa for me. I work from home twice a week and wife

But is that screen the official screen replacement?  I don’t want another third party screen.

Yup.  8 prices should definitely drop. 

Totally agree.  I might just have to get the 8 instead.

They are.  But then I remember I put this in a case and that becomes the color of my phone. 

What about guinea pig?

It might be a good option.  But honestly, I’m on a 6s and I might upgrade to the 8.

Bezels are fine.  Simma.

So only the XR is getting the fun colors and not the others? 

They force you because you got cash.  And shareholders love cash.

I think there is a way to bring up the pin screen.  And I think you can disable FaceID and use PIN only.  Though I really do wish they kept TouchID.

I just broke my screen on the 6s and got it replaced with a third party one.  It’s probably the only reason I am thinking of upgrading.  After a new battery, the 6s ran like a champ.  So it’s between upgrading or paying the $150+ for Apple to do my screen correctly.

Or maybe they use it different or are more comfortable with smaller devices in their hand.  But of course you didn’t think of that.  Nope.