
Hmm, sure. But when I actually broke up with someone in person and not at a restaurant, it was still a mess. Nobody ever says when being broken up with: phew, at least you did it in person and not at a restaurant. There is no reward for it. So I guess why people do it over text/email.

Would lyme disease be ok? Or will the lyme disease special interest come out and say it’s bad too? What if I said pneumonia? Oh wait, those people who have family members die from it would be upset with that comparison. See where it’s going? Shut up with your e-outrage and understand the internet metaphor.

If it doesn’t have romaine, it’s not a caesar salad. It’s just another type of salad.

As a parent to a 19 month old, I get extremely jealous of parents who have family around. My wife and I have nobody near us. We both work and both get every other Friday off. We have been shamed because on that Friday, we put our child in daycare. This from parents who have family who can babysit and enjoy it on a

This would have come in handy a few months ago when I was booking my trips to Germany and Russia. I booked all my flights on Iceland Air, Aeroflot, and S7 airlines. =\

I don’t think you know what it means. It means you can have that opinion. But considering how idiotic it is, you just outcast yourself.

The problem is that the news is now counted on to make money. And having Conway on and getting the demographic to be angry at her keeps them watching. Opinion pieces and commentary keep people watching. We are talking about a country that does not like “boring” news. They need to constantly be entertained. In CNN’s

Or any of the cable networks for that matter. Tho CNN International is pretty good. It actually remembers we have a world to deal with.

Gotta pay for Anderson Cooper’s salary somehow.

You know what would be better? How about you don’t tell a side and just speak the news at it is? No fluff, no commentary. Just report what’s going on and leave the opinion out of it.

Well, people pay and watch to see people play a part. McCain was just playing her role and looked foolish doing so.

Gotta keep that access in the R circles. Nope. Dignity be damn.

To be fair, my issue has been how the liberal media keeps pushing that Michele Obama was this majestic person who is beyond beauty and can do no wrong. Look, the former First Lady doesn’t need your help. She was doing just fine on her own. It was pretty over the top sometimes.

That’s interesting. I never dealt with HR concerning my health insurance except when I first chose it or when I changed plans to include my now toddler. And this was in both public and private sector. I called the insurance myself. Funny enough, they could add a baby before they are born under a pseudo SSN. Then after

In our plan, the family has a deductible. So once one person clears it, everyone clears it. Also, while our child had her own expenses, we put her on our insurance before she was born (with a pseudo SSN). It’s pretty common apparently. Soon as you get the official SSN, you call insurance back to get it put on.

This is a classic example of getting caught between special interests. Mika and others are in such a rush to protect a woman that they can’t see the big picture and are blinded by their biases. All in the name for access.

Its better you dont watch. If you are even thinking about it, just dont. You lower the soccer IQ of the country. Just go away.

How about you don’t speculate and just let him be? Too hard? The President doesnt give you another material?

I see more Peter Crounch if anything.

You can blame Ezekiel Elliot.