
This. My wife and I had several conversations about loaning money to her mom. It has gotten nasty at times. Her mom could give two shits about me and literally avoids using my name in asking how the house is doing in phone calls (how are wife and baby doing). Then she has the nerve to come visit and eat the food that

When my mom and stepdad come visit, they always insist on getting the check. Even when they come visit they will try to pay. And then they love taking our toddler off our hands for a day or two. Wife and I make about double what they earn.

A Portugal with Ronaldo won the final of the Euros. So yeah...

I simply bought trip insurance for all my flights. Im going to Russia for the World Cup with a stop in Munich beforehand. As the father of a 18 month old, it was an expense I had to pay for flexibility. My only issue is one of the hotel stays in Moscow at a Hilton made me pay full price. The short stays in other

My parents couldn’t afford it neither. So I worked from high school until finishing college to pay for it myself. Now that I want to leave money for my kid(s) in a trust of sorts, it’s bad because allegedly that’s spoiling them.

Apparently, since the election of the current POTUS, it’s taboo to set up a trust for your children. I have discussed this on various articles here and gotten pushback because I’m setting them up for failure. Sigh.

I understand the thought, it’s also pure laziness on my wife who doesn’t want to make something at home and rather spend money on Applebees To Go or Chinese takeout. All that eating out adds up and I worked hard looking for details and stocking up on sales at the supermarket to basically ignore all the food I bought

I agree. Still a red card. I’ve seen Nani get a red for receiving a ball with a high boot and a Real Madrid player was close by and got hit without Nani knowing he was there. Ref gave an instant red.

I’ve had this issue plenty of times, especially recently as I was training for my first 5k. At the 5k, there was a booth selling this new detergent called HEX. Local to Baltimore, it works great.

If the other stuff that actually has an effect on people in this country and around the world doesn’t do it, then we deserve everything we get.

I have these discussions all the time . And honestly, I feel like my wife just doesn’t care. It kinda sucks, but whatevs. The reason I am the one going to shop for groceries is because I won’t blindly buy something full price. We also get into arguments when she asks if I want any food while she’s out and I reply that

So we aren’t teaching kids to tattle anymore?

What if he tries to bring his friends with him?

I agree. Bolton is a terrible choice and flies in the face of “American First” Trump. But of course, that’s 5 stories down from the headline. Bolton being back in the White House actually affects us and the world. Not stupid Stormy Daniels.

I understand that. But that’s not news. That’s not educating the public or doing a public good. That doesn’t help our country.

ROFL. Print more money? Hilarious.

Ourcountry is so sad.

Wow. It’s like people have a mind of their own. Shocking.

And she is better how? Got a few more coins. But yeah, what a great gaming strategy. Let me have sex with someone I’m not attracted to.

Trade war is old news now. Stormy Daniels > ramifications of trade war. Great job news!