
That involves getting into people’s business. And honestly, that’s selfish. If I buy a home, whatever my neighbor does that is law abiding is not my concern nor should it. If they start a satanic church, not my business. You are only making it your business because you care about your resale value. I’m sorry, but the

So you cant mind your business and not care what people do on their property? HOAs are garbage and made by people who want to play government. Fuck them and all their defenders.

That would involve actually doing research into each candidate on my ballot. But you know that’s not going to happen for a good majority of voters.

Is it his fault that Arsenal put out a second string team?

This is why I wouldn’t draft him. Lonzo can play yes. But he comes with Lavar and his bros. No need for that added distraction.

So what is better: Neymar or Dembele/Coutinho?

You forgot. Doing his job is to make money for shareholders and little else.

Love how Emma didn’t include that part. Cause you know, that would take away from her hot take.

What Bill should have done is rented out rooms at the hotel closest to practice field and make it a bonding moment. This way, everyone comes to practice together on time.

You do realize that most of the GOP considers all Latinos to be “Mexican”, right?

You added the “as”, I didn’t.

What does it say about a minority that votes for a Democrat, but that Democrat doesn’t help said minority? Being a latino from NJ, I’ve seen Democrats shame minorities into voting for them (because the Rs are just bad), yet nothing changes when they are in charge.

Link to said spreadsheet?

That’s fine and all. But if the OS doesnt go back to being faster after I put a fresh battery in, nothing changes.

Just because one is more common than the other doesn’t mean this particular incident happen. You never assume.

Does that mean I can’t use Apple Pay?

Never understood the Drumpf thing. The same people who use this word/name are very much pro immigration. But they must forget that many immigrants coming over changed their name for various reasons. It’s not like he did it himself.

If this was Miami, weed would be substituted for cocaine.

Ronaldinho said he learned to dribble because his dog was the best defender. Its how he learned the elastico.

Yes. Lingard might not be a star, but you need people like him on your team who will put in performances like the above. He’s the guy who will get loud cheers during a testimonial match 15 years from now. If ManU want to spend their money, great. But it’s not guarantee to a title.