
If you take a college scholarship to play soccer, your career is over.

HAH! My Palm Pre and Touchstone had witeless charging in 2009. It was perfect. Put phone on the touchstone and it stuck there while charging.

Remember when the libs were yelling at conservatives saying that free speech has consequences. And yet, here we are.

Way to go out on a limb.

This comparison is akin to people being upset when the public wants a weapon system that is bloated to be canned, but we need to keep it up cause of jobs, despite it being a bad program. Costing jobs of tax preparers is an awful arguement.

Cute. But wrong.

Lol. So angry. Go watch some CNN or something.

Meh. I would just charge them for what they used (a month or so), and take it off the bill the rest of the months.

It’s either Super Nintendo or SNES. Or Super Famicom.

Good one. Try again?

If you think that’s far fetch, you aren’t paying attention. It’s a different world from decades ago.

And that is where you continued to get fooled. Enjoy.

Love your assumptions. Look at you. Implying something because the person doesn’t agree with you. Hilarious really. You are very much a part of the problem.

Does it hurt being that naive? Or do you just believe everything because it has a top 5 network logo on it?

You clearly fail to realize that today’s journalists have become puppets who will do anything to keep their access. They will plant stories for their sources to keep them despite how untrue it is. And then hide behind the “sources say” banner to make it all good.

ROFL. Sure sure. Keep telling yourself that. They are all awful.

Maybe not to the extend of the topic of the blog post here. But major news networks are easily deceived by their sources in order to keep access, will omit facts, will run to publish/convey stories with minimal fact checking.

Having an agenda in essence is deceiving.

Sure can. The MSM presents the news as they see fit and will omit certain elements of it to cater to their audience instead of just saying it all and letting the people decide what to do with it.