
I have NEVER had a flight attendant confiscate my empty water bottle. I always bring an empty one (hard plastic) thru security. Then fill it at a fountain in the terminal. Why a flight attendant would take it away is puzzling.

All started with the PATRIOT Act that got passed through two administrations.

If you aren’t in that industry, you wouldn’t know because the media hasn’t discussed it. But stuff is happening in the background. I’m a small part of it logistically. The initial help is on the ground now. Things are getting prepared to help Puerto Rico stand up for the long haul until power is fully back. Simma.

It may not be making the news (because they want ratings and the NFL talk gets people watching), but in the background, things are happening. Ships are landing with equipment, power is coming back via giant generators.

I can’t get into many details, but I can confirm the generator portion. Military equipment is coming.

What’s funny is that “leak” is usually a reporter doing the bidding of the source in order to continue having access. And no matter who false that “leak” is, we don’t hold people accountable for shitty reporting.

Yup. That’s her job.

It’s a stupid simplistic question. It will hurt your career and your colleagues will think you are on meth. Or just pandering to a simpleton audience.

That’s the job of every press secretary. Speak the points that your bosses tell you to and that’s it. It’s a job, it’s an art.

That is what you tell kids to make the world simple. In reality, there are stupid questions.

Yup. It sure is. Journalists are in the pockets of their sources. Because the access is the #1 thing, not getting the story right. They are in the pockets of important figures because they don’t want to lose access.

I agree to a point. Simply because there are journalists who ask stupid questions to athlete all the time just to get a quote or get a gotcha moment. In fact, some don’t even ask questions. They go “tell me about that 2nd half TD” and expect the athlete to continue. Moreover, they all go for the question that has

See, I don’t think he’s even racist. Pretty much if you are a citizen of this country, he likes you. As a latino, I haven’t felt one way where the President hates me. If anything, he needs to really tone down his talk about the undocumented. They aren’t all rapists/murderers/drug mules. When one does commit that

The protest only works if something changes. And yet nobody is talking out social injustices and everyone is talking about an anthem. Its safe and players get some kudos.

Such an embarrassment, yet people keep coming here and vacationing here. Must not be that bad.

They need power before internet.

Yup. It’s incredibly expensive to send even simple generators via air. These things are going by vessel and will take time to get there. Not to mention you have to make sure stuff is in working order to get there and someone needs to pay for transportation (truck/boat). There are logistical questions that need answers

It’s even better cause it’s true.

Never understood parents who give there expensive phones to their babies/toddlers. We nipped it in the bud early. 12 month old now knows not to touch the remote or our phones.