
They should just inform their players they will lift the policy after a year or at least after they’ve reached a no. of sales.

What if the baby starts crying half-way in the flight? 

If half a million is scrapping by then I guess a 100 grand is living in the streets for them ?

and miss the flight?

This is why fried rice was invented.

Most likely you’ll receive a message saying: “You’ve been playing this game for 200 hours. You need to get out more”!

Gaming is already an addiction and you wanna pop some pills on the side? What’s wrong with you?

Netherealm’s MK and Injustice have realistic proportions, sorta.

I have one reason to buy a switch, a dozen reason to buy ps4 and no reason to buy Xbox one.

And streamers complain they have it bad. If you can spend time each day with your family consider it a blessing.

Whoops! I thought these were exclusive titles.

Well compared to a Mangaka you guys have it easy, you actually get more sleep.

Deviant art!

Blaming video games for your failure to find a girlfriend is bullshit.

Pewdiepie is probably tired of all this and he wants out.

If there is justice in this world may the thief die of cancer.

A politician telling the truth? That is news.

You do know that doing combos require BOTH hands right?

MVC does have combo breakers, well actually more of a combo ender, the death of your character. MVC has one combo ender cuz you can only pick 2. MVC 2 and 3 has 2 combo enders cuz you can pick 3.

Of all the girls you had to pick the underage one.