I absolutely hate the Super art style. It feels rushed, cheap and clearly everything was done digitally. DBZ animation was like the Disney classic done with traditional hand drawn on paper.
I absolutely hate the Super art style. It feels rushed, cheap and clearly everything was done digitally. DBZ animation was like the Disney classic done with traditional hand drawn on paper.
You can’t fully understand cuz you’re an arrogant, narcissistic, navel-gazing prat. Have a cookie.
Mental anguish if you’re ex’s finally moves out? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? i know I’d feel a lot better if my ex finally moves out and we move on with our lives.
Anyone who post drama is insecure. simple as that.
Sonic mania - made by fans for fans
Punk the teabagging “alpha”? pffft. More like the “alpha-b!%ch. Dude cries like one.
Who else in here hoping she gets a divorce in a few months or years?
Makes you wonder what hundreds of people are willing to do when they aren’t being watched.
Do Japanese people actually behave like they do in anime?
Reasons why his comic was so slow : Video games. His studio had like what? 3 consoles and I bet he spent more time playing than drawing. oh irony.
“He showed the images to an adult woman on at least two occasions, who later reported him to the police”
Randy Pitchford : Trust Law? Are you kidding me?
This isn’t China.
Guy is fake but the tears are real.
This would never happen on Ps4.
That drawing is an adult’s dick. Children shouldn’t be allowed to see an adult’s dick.
Hope he finds a Lamborghini one day.
Fine! Dear Pablos! I’ll pray that you get a good kick in the head.
Teach them. DON’T FORCE THEM.
mental hospital, prison, 3 years, 10 years not of it really matters. Once she returns to society cured or not do you really think the public would simply go “ Hey you’re that psycho who stabbed her classmate, welcome back! Btw I’m having a party at my place and I would love for you to come over”