
Lucky my foot! Do you know what the Yakusa does to you if you don’t let em win?

This is America.

You mean like democracy? It rhymes too.

Trumps the one holding the gun, his wife clutches the pearls.

Does this mean we can all be heroes too? I mean we are all against the ban right?

Getting Trump by going after his wife is pretty shameless.

and celebs too. Pewdiepie etc.

Eventually Protests will be banned.

If this keeps up we’ll eventually have tournaments where every player is required to sit up straight, keep their chin up, no scratching, no coughing , no eye contact and most importantly aren’t allowed to show any emotion (be like Daigo lol) . Not even a smirk or a frown. Also only handshakes after the match, no hugs,

How exactly did he passed away? Too much gaming?

Just go with a green cross. Green is health. Green is life.

Do. A deer. A female deer.

What determined the crime? They were having a meth session or somethin. C’mon, the mugshot says it all.

Guess God didn’t like force awakens or any movie not by Lucas.