
You forgot the part where the radio yells at you for seeking through too many stations while moving, requiring you to pull over to continue (not kidding, try it)

dealers and pro’s cross thread, especially if they’re on flat rate. you could just keep driving it in with the impact, or go grab a thread chaser and clean it out

They should have called it the Probe. Fight me on it.

The massive amount of baby boomers that buy BMW’s never use car play, so this amounts to savings in the millions for BMW. it’s a win-win

If James Earl Jones tells me to buy a LeBaron, I will buy a LeBaron

We will look fondly back at this crap after an inevitable dot-com bubble 2.0 explodes in our faces

Some advice from personal experience: buy something from the desert (AZ, NM, Texas). Rusty crap is such a pain in the ass to work on, and ugly to look at. Start fresh and un-rusted so whatever maintenance you have to do is a breeze. DIY rustproof when you bring it home, and you’re golden for many years.

It’s largely done for unwanted noise, acoustics/NVH concerns. The vast majority of covers I have worked with remove in seconds


Wow, there is so much misinformation in these replies. First off, in Ohio, your friend can take your bill of sale (you made one, right?), and go to any Ohio DMV with his ID, and get a 45 day temp tag to drive the car. Number two: Yes, the system is gamed in favor of NEW car dealers, but only if you have a trade-in. A

One of the big issues is the traditional franchise system and how they will lose out on OTA updates. Dealer service departments took in the majority of that $17 billion to perform the software updates

God, I cannot wait until cars just drive themselves

What a shock, the odometer manipulation dot is on (to the left of the “8" in the trip meter)

Customer makes product improvement suggestion. CEO replies with “yes” and delivers a few months later. Coolest company in the world.

There’s a difference in value vs. maintenance only to a small population of buyers. To the average consumer, high miles are high miles, and diminish the value of the car. 

Does this apply to motorcycles too? Please tell me it does. Please.

This exactly. Uber isn’t causing the suicides, it’s poor policy and planning on NYC’s part. Keep shaking crappy industries up and this will happen.

Sorry, coolest key in the world alert: if I am spending $160k+ on an Aston, I want the effing sapphire key and I am willing to pay dammit.

This is gold and very accurate