
ok. This car has been narrowed down to specific option codes. At this point, how hard would it be for Ford to query their database and release all Florida-sold VIN’s for Fusion Hybrids, in Ebony, with option code 601A? I imagine the list would be quite small and manageable to investigate and narrow down.

Death? Repossession sale? Bankruptcy? There has to be a way to resell given some extraordinary circumstances.

4-Wheel Steering, 5-speed manual, Enkei Aeronautics, complete with spandex. My mom knew her stuff.

I spent some time around a Honda dealership when the 1999 Civic Si was released. Ah yes, the import tuner craze was upon us, speed shifting was in full swing, and Honda was warrantying 1-2 synchro’s on the Civic Si like they were oil changes.

I know of a BMW dealership that’s been known to be “out” of loaners when you roll in with someone else’s license plate frame on your car. They do get paid the same for warranty repairs, but they can still be butt-hurt that you didn’t buy it there.

Is that ‘ol Rusty Jones?

I will gladly haul an overweight golden retriever in my Porsche in exchange for a better chance that I will have two legs after an accident.

I support regulation and reform in any industry that exploits the poor, however, in Mr. Garcia’s case, he had $4,000 available in cash. Why in the world did he choose to buy a $26,000 overpriced, gas-guzzling, unreliable SUV? There are at least 20 reliable, fuel-efficient, vehicles (Toyota, Honda, Lexus) that I can

Fun Copart fact: They write “BIO” on the door when there is bio-hazardous material in the car.

It’s the American way:

I am a millennial, and it matters to me that Tesla is designed and built here. Now, if I could only afford one.

In Ohio, that rusty 1990 Cavalier with zip ties holding the tie rod ends together travels unimpeded year after year. Then one morning after sitting through a stressful traffic jam, there it is. Wheel folded in, ass in the air, stuck dead in the middle of the fast lane. I buy cars for a living and I typically buy from

I recommend anyone with access to CarFax to use it if you are in search of your old ride and have the VIN. It usually gives very detailed information including the service centers where it’s been. I still have all of the VIN’s to my old cars, mostly Hondas and Acuras I sold with 100K+ years ago. I spent a few minutes

Acura restores Acura... Doesn’t paint the front bumper correctly.

You know who can design one hell of a car? This guy...

If you can work on an 02+ 7-series, and are familiar with BMW’s electronics, you can work on this phantom. Many modules, wiring, and the drivetrain, incl. engine, transmission, etc. are about the same. The radio not working is probably due to aftermarket modification to the wiring (assuming from the wheels). It’s the

I had an i3 as a loaner from my local dealer and I absolutely loved it. The instant throttle response is intoxicating and the handling is very BMW. But, it was incredibly difficult to use the car practically on 110V not living in a major (California) city. It is impossible to find a charging station in Ohio, and when

Although I do not live in LA, I do live on a main road with heavy traffic and this particularly bothers me. I breathe in this air on a daily basis from jerks with “rollin’ coal”, people who modify their emissions equipment, and now VW’s with high NOx emissions. ‘Murica! I guess I don’t get the rationale of those who

I got smoked by one of these in my E90 M3. VERY fast and it sounded amazing.

Big brakes, manual, and plenty of power = The Ultimate Towing Machine E36 equipped with the OEM hitch by Westfalia and rated at 4409 LBS.