Bmore Molly got a new name

This is brilliant. I will have to find an O’reilley alternative and give it a try.

Just want to piggy back on this - local, single family events make up the majority of the disaster work by the American Red Cross. I used to volunteer as a case worker - I never worked on a major disaster. The biggest was an apartment fire with 10 families displaced. I responded to 2-3 house fires per week during a

For whatever reason, they did photos with the wives and the gay guy. There are several female leaders in NATO, but their husbands weren’t included... maybe there is another groups photo somewhere with Angela Merkel and Theresa May’s husbands.

Some states will increase. Most will not because they don’t have the resources to do it.

It’s sweet that you think you will get to keep your Medicaid coverage. The Republicans are cutting it to bits - first by making it a block grant instead of an entitlement. States will not have enough money to fund everyone in need, and some people will lose coverage.

Yes, $4,000 in out-of-pocket costs is unusual for a healthy young adult with insurance (no counting premiums). I’m in my 30's. I have PCOS and ridiculous allergies, but otherwise have not major health problems. I don’t think I’ve ever spent more than $300/year in co-pays for office visits and prescriptions, combined.

They generally don’t need to biopsy before removal, especially if leaving the uterus in place. They probably should biopsy fibroids before using morcellation as part of a hysterectomy.

I agree. There is a vast middle ground between current standard practice and banning morcellation for uterine surgery. It isn’t possible to definitely diagnose uterine sarcomas from MRI & CT, there are some indicators visible on standard imaging. Negative imaging plus a negative biopsy should be a pretty good

I’m in my 30's, and have always had problems with motion sickness in cars. Oddly, I don’t get sick on boats or trains. Buses and airplanes are hit or miss - I will start feeling woozy if it’s hot or I’m overly tired. Over the years, I developed a number of strategies to combat motion sickness.

I have a block and a magnetic holder. I move every few years for work, and different apartments are better suited to different knife storage arrangements. My current place has enough counter space to store the block. I use a desk top letter organizer to store my cutting boards, so I have a little knife-work station.

They were able to positively ID the bomber using facial recognition. They should be able to do the same for victims.

The building was structurally compromised - this was an emergency demo after neighbors noticed a 1-2 inch crack in the exterior wall of the building.

The way this school’s hair rules were written, natural hair is also against the rules for most Black women. Hair wasn’t supposed to be more than two inches “tall” from the scalp. So Black girls could either keep their natural hair cut very short (and therefore very basic/plain), or they could relax/straighten their to

Have you listened to the school segregation series from This American Life? One of the stories is about a Black girl with straight A’s. She showed up for the school district celebration of straight A students, but the “forgot” to include her on the list. I listened to her story while running errands, and ended up

If the local school board oversees the Montessori school in the same way they oversee traditional public schools, the Montessori sounds more like a magnet school than a charter. Magnet schools operate as part of traditional public school districts, but they usually have a special/specific program to attract

Ugh. The whole charter school model is just terrible. Schools put on the whole production of open/fair admissions to prove they are accessible to everyone, but they they pick and choose on the back end, either by kicking kids out for the slightest infraction or by setting parental participation standards that are

Yes, that is what I meant. I’m a white girl with frizzy/curly hair. I don’t think for a minute this school would hassle me for the thickness of my hair, nor would they give a white girl a hard time for braiding her hair.

Good. From my reading, the only way a girl with kinky/curly hair could stay within the rules would be to relaxers and/or daily straightening. The rules barred braids/locs/twists, and also prohibited hair “thicker” than 2 inches, which I interpreted as no fro/puff styles. They were basically strong arming girls into

Pippa always looks like Amy Sedaris playing the role of Kate Middleton in an episode of Drunk History.

I still have my TI-82 somewhere in the depths of my closet, but haven’t used it since I finished the semester of calculus I took in college when I still thought I was pre-med. I’m almost finished with my PhD (2 weeks!), and my trusty TI-30Xa scientific calculator has been the real hero. I’ve had it since 9th grade