Bmore Molly got a new name

Fortunately for the owner of this bag, he doesn’t live in NYC. The EDC profile says he’s a associate professor in Pasadena, CA. Assuming he’s on faculty at UCLA, the average salary for an associate professor is $140K. Depending on his field, he could make far more than that.

Where does it say he’s junior? Salary is also heavily dependent on field - I am a research methodologist specializing in surgical research. A typical first year assistant professor in my field can expect a salary around $90,000 - not not crazy wealthy, but certainly enough to have a nice bag and computer. Plus, the

It hasn’t played out like that in other countries with single payer. In most high income countries with single payer, the baseline standard of medical care is high quality and evidence based (as evidenced by health outcomes that are far better than the US). The “quality” differences come from “luxuries” like

I used to have a coworker who had debilitating migraines, with the worst occurring around her period. In the 5 years we worked together, I don’t think I ever saw her work a full week. She was out at least 1/2 day, and usually a full day every week. During her period, she was frequently out for the full week (and she

Just a heads up the Fluticasone is available OTC now. I have crazy dust mite allergies, and Fluticasone is a miracle drug in my eyes.

The more pictures I see of Ivanka and Jared, the more they look like a pair of Bond villains.

Commercial airplanes do hav medical kits with basic medicine, and I’m pretty sure epinephrine is supposed to be in the kits. Flight attendants can administer if directed by one of the physicians contracted by the airline to provide medical advice over the phone/radio.

I’m drowning in my dissertation right now, but almost finished and gearing up for a post doc. I’ve been NIH and/or AHRQ funded for more than a decade, through both full time work and graduate education. I do injury outcomes research, and I’m somewhat fortunate that my research field is heavily funded by the DoD, so I

Definitely, but we don’t need a separate shadow health system to meet these needs and there are non-veterans who would benefit from some of the services that are currently targeted only to veterans (e.g. advanced prosthetic and physical therapy services). Veterans would probably benefit more from specialized case

You know what would solve the myriad administrative problems at the VA? Single payer universal healthcare. If we do Medicare for all, it eliminates the need for a separate/parallel system just to treat veterans.

So, who’s going to replace Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House?

That’s the laundry room in Trump Tower.

My mom was a classroom teacher for 20 years, then a school administrator for the next 20. I’m 34 years old and she can still stop me in my tracks with a single glance.

No, there are not carcinogenic birth control pills. There is some evidence that long term use of hormonal contraception might slightly increase risk of breast cancer while actively taking the pill, but risk returns to normal levels when the woman stops taking the pill, but it’s pretty limited evidence (only two

Annual paps are bullshit on their own anyway - once you have an established history of negative tests for several consecutive years, you only need it every 3 years, max.

People die from accidental acetaminophen overdose every year. As in, they don’t mean to OD, they just take more than their body can safely metabolize. It can then take days to actually notice a problem because liver failure is initially asymptomatic. If a person does need a liver transplant, it’s expensive, invasive,

I’ve been taking claratin daily for 15 years to treat allergies, with my doctor’s blessing. Millions of adults in the use take baby aspirin daily to reduce their risk of heart attacks. Millions more take some type of OTC pain medicine every day to manage minor chronic pain.

Accidental acetaminophen is the leading cause of acute liver failure in the US, with several thousand hospitalizations and a few dozen deaths per year. There are also risks from other OTC drugs, like ulcers from over using ibuprofen, excessive bleeding from overusing aspirin, seizures from diphenhydramine (Benadryl).

Federal poverty level for a family of 4 is $24,600 - I suspect that is the metric referrenced