Bmore Molly got a new name

That’s the laundry room in Trump Tower.

My mom was a classroom teacher for 20 years, then a school administrator for the next 20. I’m 34 years old and she can still stop me in my tracks with a single glance.

Federal poverty level for a family of 4 is $24,600 - I suspect that is the metric referrenced

I was also in high school when she died. I’m not aware of any political impact - from everything I’ve read over the years, the French were incredibly gracious and respectful in their handling of her death, and there is a memorial to Diana and Dodi near the site of the crash. William really only started doing official

I know this piece was tongue-in-cheek, but... The “big deal” aspect of this trip is that it’s William’s first official visit to France/Paris since his mother died.

Alternatively, they could have worked with national or regional retailers who stock regionally appropriate seeds. Buy Cheerios, get coupon in the box, take it to a partner store and get your packet of seeds.

Amazing customer service! My first eshakti purchase was stolen from the mail room in my building. I asked if they would honor the new customer discount for a second purchase, and they replaced the custom dress for free.

Yes, I buy tons of dresses from eshakti. The fee for custom patterns is worth every penny to get a dress that actually fits by boobs and waist at the same time. I would spend 3x as much on alterations for an off-the-rack dress.

Ugh, yes. My cat’s original family had her declawed, and she can go from snuggles to biting in an instant. I know her body language well enough to tell when she really walks a belly rub or if she’s pissed and ready to bite, but it’s subtle. I have to warn visitors though - she tends to bite a run. One good nip to make

I imagine it actually made it much easier to manage a large cast of teen dancers if they did not have romantic interests in their dance partners. You can pair off girls and boys that “look good” together, make up a story line, and play up the fantasy relationship without worry of tension between them in real life.

They do pig and goose races at the NC state fair, with a cheeto at the end for the winner.

And if you don’t give them the exercise and stimulation they need, they get really mean. I used to work at a boarding kennel, and the only dogs I ever knew to bite were under-worked/under-stimulated Jack Russels.

The real shit show in Baltimore was last weekend, when two of the big entertainment districts host the “Irish Stroll” - a $20 ticket gets you a wristband and access to crazy cheap drinks at a handful of bars. There will be a decent amount of drunken idiots this weekend, but most of the debauchery is contained to the

I’m single, without roommates, and in grad school. I will generally refrain from shopping, expect to by lunch from one of my favorite woman-owned/operated food trucks.

I always think of her as a bizarro-world, right wing version of Annabeth Schott from The West Wing.

I listen to This American Life on my morning walks. I cried at so many points during those two episodes as I wandered around downtown Baltimore.

Good point - I never bake with rye, so haven’t ever worried about it

The chewy for cookies comes from the sugar/fat content, and not so much from gluten development. I would swap out the remaining granulated sugar for brown sugar to make them even chewier. Or check out Stella Parks piece on diy brown sugar over at Serious Eats - maybe try making your own brown sugar, but with a higher

Generally speaking, over mixing is a problem with baked goods that contain wheat flour. If you over mix, you risk over-developing the gluten, which will make cakes and cake-like baked goods chewy/tough.

As the wife of a Republican politician, she always played coy regarding her opinions and beliefs. As soon as W. left the White House, she opened up and clearly stated her support for abortion rights and same-sex marriage.