Bmore Molly got a new name

Same here. I just turned 34, and still get carded on occasion. I generally have to be careful with how I dress and speak in professional settings, to make sure I’m taken seriously (I have to dress and act far more formal than my less youthful looking peers). I’m currently in a full time PhD program (almost done!) -

I know what type of school he went to. He went to Duke.

She can’t help it if she has chin envy. I expect Jared will go on an extended vacation/business trip and return in 4-6 weeks with a new jaw line.

I’m not sure where to reply, so I’m replying here, but this is a general comment re. inviting people to the rehearsal dinner. I had four friends get married in the past year. Two had big weddings, and the rehearsal dinner was just the wedding party and immediate family. They both hosted a brunch for out of town guests

People were not routinely leaving the terminal during layovers before 9/11. Security is not new - we still had to go through metal detectors and put our bags through the x-ray machine before 9/11. There security theater is more dramatic and standardized now, especially for shoe removal and liquid limits, but it really

My hatred of Paul Ryan is so deep seated and personal...

Some breeds are more talkative than others, and that can carry through to mixed breed dogs. Terriers and some hounds are very vocal while herding and hunting dogs are quieter. It all boils down to the “job” they were bred for. My sister-dog is a mini schnauzer, and she has a huge range of vocalizations and pretty much

I have a roku and use Netflix, Amazon Prime, and purchase seasons of current shows from Amazon as wanted. I used to have Hulu+, but the realized I could just buy seasons of the few shows I watched for less than a 12 month Hulu subscription. I also have an antenna and watch a fair amount of TV over the air. I

There are 14 Republican members of the House from California. There are also a lot of Republican Senators and Representatives from other states that rely on Federal disaster assistance on a regular basis. I imagine they will take issue with any attempt to use disaster aid as a political bargaining chip - definitely

The people in the communities most at risk from these floods *did* vote for him. They are the farmers that now regret their votes as they realize 45 is actually going to follow through with his immigration/deportation promises.

I don’t think you’re expecting too much. While conservatives have been pretty transparent in their efforts to privatize schools, they have been pretty sneaky with the language and systems used to (re)segregate schools. There are a lot of left-leaning white people who are completely oblivious to the segregation

Seriously. Tamron is the best part of the Today show, and the only reason I keep it on in the background every morning.

There are a couple of facebook events for tax day marches, but I don’t think they are especially well organized.

I admittedly live in a very liberal bubble/echo chamber, but all of the veterans I know are left-leaning and very anti-Trump. They weren’t over the moon with Hillary, but voted for her because she was less likely to start a war for funsies.

I actually makes a huge difference for chicken in terms of texture and flavor, especially for white meat. The breast on humane/organic chicken are not comically large, which makes it easier to cook them evenly and just enough without overcooking.

In 2000, Barack Obama was the junior Senator from Illinois a state Senator in Illinois (sorry - brain fart!), and was hardly known outside of his state and serious policy nerds. He wasn’t even a glimmer of hope for most people until 2004. Right now it’s far too early to discount the progressive field of presidential

A lot of Trump supporters chose to stay in Baltimore for the inauguration, because hotel rooms are so much cheaper here, and it’s relatively easy to travel between the two cities. So there are a ton of old racist spending their evening trying to get from the train station to their hotels without encountering any

Senate rules don’t allow filibuster of cabinet nominations.

Amazon streaming - Prime includes past seasons of most HBO shows. Game of Thrones is not part of Prime streaming, but you can still buy seasons on Amazon for streaming without having an HBO subscription.

Same here. For a lot of things, I wait for it to show up on Netflix/Prime. If I don’t want to wait or know it won’t be available for subscription-based streaming, I buy the season. I also know my mom is a DVR-hoarder, so I can catch up on a lot of things when I visit her.