
Finale? How about (in Dutch's voice) "the last three years???"….

The more rational part of me feels the same way….but at the same time, the way they're making Raylan & Boyd less likable (especially in this episode), I wonder if they're being set up for an inevitable demise….meanwhile, Ava has actually gotten sympathy by me, especially after getting apprehended by the dirty cops.

I thought the season 3 finale was enjoyable, even if it did give me a deja vu feeling from a S5 episode of 'The Shield'….after that, yeah, you're on your own.

After re-watching the trailer of Ava being the lone person strutting out of the burning house, I wondered: have they been telling us all along that Ava will be the last one standing? She's been "burned" by both sides of the law (Raylan and Boyd), and she's the only one who won't accept death as an option. The way

I'm partial to Boyd's "double LIVE… Japan!" quip…..

Justified's final season is 180 degrees from SOA….with Justfied, I'm still fascinated with the characters, even the ones I'm not supposed to root for, and I'm aching over the fact there's only one episode to go…..unlike SOA, it's apparent there's plenty of gas in the tank & they're going out on the highest note…

Man, talk about staying at the party too long. Padded episodes, characters I no longer give a crap about, and storylines seemingly written by middle-school interns. It's about time they put this puppy to rest.

I wonder if Vic blew his deal on the first day, or at least the writers made it vague enough to consider the possibility. Olivia said she needed his daily report by 6:00…..but when Vic was walking out, he left his report behind, and the lights were turned off, suggesting maybe he was there past the designated time

When the doctor asked Raylan if he shot Boyd, I was so ready for him to quip "Not this time". With apologies to Lionel Hutz, I guess that's why they're the writers, and I'm the TV-watching dude.

Upon repeat viewings, yeah, I'm admittedly more sympathetic to Mara. Of course, I'm also aware that to most people in the real world, her decision to steal money from the storage facility would've been an instant deal-breaker, and she never would've had the chance to show us another side of her. I mean, it's not

Coincidence, or deliberate? In 'Chasing Ghosts', the voice for the "previously on" lead-in sounds an awful lot like Lem….subtle but nice touch.

I know I might be over-simplifying it, but SOA seems to have great bullet points for any given episode, but the dots get lazily connected. Sutter might have been an important part of 'The Shield', but if you watch the documentary at the end of the S3 DVD set, it's pretty clear that Shawn Ryan is buttering the

There are "better" lines than the one I'm about to mention (and they've all pretty much been covered by others already), but what really caught me off-guard & nearly made me do a spit-take was "Nice job, Windtalker….If the Germans had you in World War II, we could've stopped that thing before it started"….

Watching that scene reminded me of Ed emptying his pockets before a fight (in which he got laid out, lol) in one of the 'Naked Gun' movies…

Thank God I saw the promo for next week, otherwise I might've been cursing for days over Boyd's possible demise. Lesser shows with lesser writing & lesser acting would self-destruct with such pacing, but with 'Justified', the hour just whooshes on by…..I'm gonna have to binge watch this show the day after it finally

Before the first episode aired, I said I would've been satisfied with a "case of the week"-type show utilising Bob Odenkirk's comedic talent. After all, anything else might've drawn comparisons to 'Breaking Bad', which would've been some tough shoes to fill. But damn, 'Better Call Saul' as-is has shattered my

When he was talking with Avery, there were more back-and-forth cuts as opposed to showing them interacting together. In another response, I suggested that maybe it was the result of reshooting parts of the scene & maybe one of them wasn't available to do it, so they just did their bits separately. I'm not trying to

I watched the scene again. Apart from the initial greeting, the rest of the time you didn't see the characters on-screen together, unless they were showing the back of one of their heads. I dunno, it just kinda jumped out at me as peculiar, comparative to the camera work before & after that scene. Maybe one of the

if you notice, the "shared" scenery is when you only see the back of one of the characters' heads, suggesting there might've been a stand-in….plus, the dialogue seemed tighter than usual, which made me think they read their lines at different times. Not a deal-breaker or anything, just an observation….

Yeah, I laughed for all the wrong reasons when I saw some of his blog posts….but being it's the home stretch of the final season, I figured he'd be able to hold it together for just a couple of more eps, heh….