
Excellent episode, but two random observations:

Good post. I do think a little gallows humor would go a long way, and I don't think it would be out of place, being that many folks use it as coping mechanisms….as it is, the writing takes itself too seriously, and at times isn't as smart as it thinks it is.

Yeah, I know he wants his wife, but I was giving Rick the benefit of the doubt (about his reaching for the pistol). However, after some reflecting on his character the last couple of episodes, I guess I should have read that moment differently. Although, I'd think if he actually had carried out whatever scenario was

I just thought he instinctively reached for his gun because he heard a walker (the one that was on the other side of the wall)….but then the comment on 'talking dead' & the episode review suggests something else, so I guess it whooshed over my head, LOL…

Was Nick Searcy and Sam Elliot even in the room together when they filmed their scene? If I didn't know better, it looked like they filmed their parts separately & just spliced them together….I don't remember them both on-screen at the same time. Great episode otherwise….

As a tribute to the AV club comments I've recently read from years past, I submit that tonight's episode owned….

I dunno, when winona was taking the baby into the bathroom while arguing with raylan, she (the baby) seemed to be reaching for him an awful lot. She also seemed pretty mellow at the marshall's office…..maybe there's a "daddy's little girl" in the making, LOL…

Eh, I didn't think it was as dreadful as some folks are saying….I had a few chuckles while watching it. That said, if they want me as a viewer for the long haul, I'm gonna need more than what I saw in the pilot….

True, but amazon prime has only recently caught up with Netflix's subscribers, so many people probably still won't discover the show until it's already over. Plus, prime didn't start airing it for free (with subscription) until 2013, and even then they only initially aired seasons 1-3….

Part of me wonders if the show's absence on Netflix is a big reason for it being under the radar….Netflix sure seemed to help the forward momentum of other shows, anyway.

I've said before: there's "just enough" to keep me tuning in….but if I'm honest with myself, I'd say that one solid movie is somewhere in each of the last few seasons, and we'd be none the wiser if the rest was left on the cutting room floor….

I can appreciate that, but too often it feels more padded than reflective. I dunno, maybe I've been spoiled too much by the dialogue on 'justfied'….

In the opening moment, we see Maggie sigh as a walker approaches her, showing an "oh great, another f*ck*ng zombie" look on her face before stabbing it. My friend dryly said "well, there's your trailer for every episode from here on out"…..once upon a time, I'd have known she was joking, but nowadays I'm not so sure

i dunno. corinne must've had SOME idea about what a cop's salary is, but it didn't stop her from pressuring vic to come up with large sums of money, and it sure didn't stop her from accepting it….and when she had the audacity to complain "but, where is this money coming from??", it was always after she cashed the

serious question (i guess)…..were the guys aware that jax was going to off himself? if so, wouldn't it have made more sense if he just let them do it instead? lord knows they needed all the "cred" points they could muster by then. yeah, i know, it's sutter and all, but……..?

"wait…..when i said 'it's time', that was SO not what i meant!!!"——the homeless lady

"tonight, filling in for dayton callie will be peter falk…"

i noticed peter weller directed last night's ep…..maybe he had a hand in the music choice? but yeah, i smiled when they used uptempo jazz as the music backdrop.

the final episodes are gonna need to be four hours long apiece, if they want to tie up every loose end. that said, apart from jax's accent slipping through occasionally, and practically mentioning abel as an afterthought when declaring his love for the club & family (in that order), it finally felt like the roller

so, will the dead birds & written threat on the wall be revisited, or will it go into the "out of sight, out of mind" file?