
seeing ava on that 'justified' promo certainly helped get the bad taste out of my mouth (giggity) from the opening montage….

acting chops aside, more and more the kid seems like the smartest of them all. now all we need, for my personal amusement, is bill paxton to guest star for an episode, for the sole purpose of interrupting a SAMCRO meeting to yell "why don't you put him in charge?!?!"….

these days, 'talking about talking dead', airing right after 'talking dead', would be more watchable than the current season of SOA….and sue me, i'm gonna "like" my own post :D

i'm confused about the beth love, too. on 'talking dead', she was pretty much characterized as some kind of smart, independent, brave woman…..then i think of the times her actions were a liability to the people around her, and i just shake my head at such an assesment. if she wasn't such a looker (come to think of it,

from a pacing standpoint, too often i find myself thinking i'm watching a daytime soap with zombies, not a weekly prime-time show, lol…..IMO the last two episodes could've been bundled into one nicely-paced ep, without losing any pop….as it was, there were just too many "okay, i GET it already"-type moments, which i

i'm probably gonna be in the minority, but this episode didn't do much for me. at the beginning of the season, the first two episodes hit the ground running….since then, like the previous two seasons, it feels like they're stretching (what could be) 6 solid episodes into 16 (or whatever number) padded eps.

maybe the town was once large enough to warrant a parking deck, until the sons killed off all of its residents…..i'll believe anything at this point.

was the parking deck in charming? if so, the obvious question is why a rinky-dink town like charming would have a parking deck in the first place….

last week, someone here mentioned the sudden absence of tara's boss….as if what she knows, has seen, or actually has been through would be of no value to charming's keystone kops.

seriously, five minutes before reading that post, i was thinking if ratboy turned out to be the rat, and/or nero "bought the farm", either scene would require—-no, DEMAND— a breaking of the fourth wall, giving the camera a "really, i had nothing to do with this"-kind of look.

the more i watch this season, the more i'm reminded of the great documentary 'best worst movie'. 20 years from now, i bet the cast members will get together for beers, laughing at how absurd SOA had become, while many miles away, sutter will continue believing it belongs in a time capsule for future generations to

open the damn box already….who doesn't want a free ipad?

that deserves a phony freeze-frame ala 'police squad!'….

unser: i'm gonna need to pay for a couple more days on this room.

all of these characters lie one time after another…..yet, when chibs has the opportunity to gift-wrap & deliver juice to jax, he (chibs) can't think of a lie to make it happen? with apologies to NFL countdown, c'mon man……

i was particularly impressed with how chibs didn't lose his sunglasses throughout the whole ordeal….

still scratching my head on how not a single SAMCRO member got grazed by a bullet in the shootout with the asians…..i wouldn't entirely be shocked if kurt sutter said the movie 'top secret!' was the inspiration for that scene.

having lived in the area many years ago, i can get behind that statement. that said, in last night's episode, people seemed awfully oblivious to all the looting going on around them….

flame away, but silly dialogue & occasionally uneven pacing issues notwithstanding, i think i would now go with 'the strain' over TWD. for whatever its faults are, i'm ultimately still entertained by 'the strain', and each episode seems to serve a purpose so far…..on the other hand, for each of the last couple of

after watching the first episode of season 1, never would i have thought that wendy would ultimately be the most likable & level-headed character on the show, but there you go….