
As someone who leans left, I thought it was a pretty funny joke (by 2016 SNL standards, anyway), because I got what Jost was aiming for, and it went beyond the literal words that were said. Simultaneously, I knew people were gonna come out waving pitchforks, and truth be told, many of those same people are unwittingly

The Strain isn't gonna win any "best of" awards, but it deserves more than 39 comments, and it sure as hell deserves more love than that bloated albatross called The Walking Dead. As mentioned by others, at least The Strain acknowledges its cheese, has fun with it, and will draw a chuckle for the right

Yeah, I'm REALLY late to the party, having just finished episode 6. Overall, it was "OK", but that cliffhanger was a real buzz-kill. On another note, Chris Carter and Kurt Sutter should co-write a show together….of course, it'd be terrible, but the comments here would be the best in AV Club history.

"Auf Wiedersehen" and "Hello There" are glaring omissions. I'm also partial to "The House Is Rockin'" and "Love Comes A Tumblin Down", but I might be in the minority for those. Still, an enjoyable playlist….

Not a fan of either….but if they're capable of sustaining a long-term career, as opposed to just 15 minutes, then maybe they're doing something right, whether or not it happens to be in either of our wheelhouses. I mean, Bill Burr and CK are pretty big nowadays too….what's the imaginary line in the sand that separates

a. If the guy who wrote "Mr. Roboto" can enjoy a good laugh at his own expense, then perhaps he's gained a sliver of perspective over the years.
b. I don't have charts or pie graphs to explain it….I just think it was funny, simple as that. I do know the original video gained something like 3 million hits over the

I dunno, if it was even 5-10% less faithful to the original, I'd probably dismiss it for the reasons you stated….I appreciate the effort that went into it, as an A/B comparison would attest. And I can't help it, Jimmy's Mr. Kotter-esque look didn't hurt either.

My 9-year old daughter and I both thought it was funny, for entirely different reasons. For me, familiarity with what 1981 was like, evidenced by some of the wardrobe seen in that video, plus remembering the original video in frequent rotation on MTV back in the day. My daughter, having none of that history as a

Wow, tough room here. I'm generally a cynical bastard, and I even thought it was funny. Please submit your addresses so I can walk on all of your lawns :p

Listen, I'll sue you and your whole crummy Hall Of Fame!

actually, he's a dead ringer for Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer.

Chuck's being in the zone and then collapsing afterward reminded me of Will Ferrell's debate scene in 'Old School'….

I'm gonna confess that I stayed in tonight and had a couple of cocktails, so I'm having trouble detecting if there's sarcasm in that short but succinct comment, lol….but IMO TWD has the pacing of a daytime soap opera, except the problem is it airs weekly. If there's any show that needs to be saved on DVR and watched

To me, this episode had the wallop of a season finale. Thankfully the writers for The Walking Dead weren't involved, otherwise it MIGHT'VE been the season finale, stretching these four episodes into 16 bloated eps….

Upon first listen, I'd agree with the B- rating….but I've warmed up to it on the second listen, and I'd actually bump it to a B+. My only gripe is the over-compression, but I guess that's been the norm for nearly every album by every band for the last several years…

After the last two seasons of SOA and now this, Sutter has officially Shamalayn'd himself….

All season long, Tandy has done nothing but talk the talk more than walk the walk, his murder plans being no exception…I mean, at the end of the day, he didn't come close to carrying it out with Todd, and if he had the opportunity, I have no doubt he ultimately would've flaked out on Phil II. Given Tandy's

I enjoyed it enough where I'll definitely tune into season 2, but at times I felt like I was watching a "Big 3" network show with some F-bombs thrown in. Several secondary characters were retreads of what I've seen repeatedly on a typical network crime drama, and the visuals were too pretty for their own good….given

I guess I'm in the minority, but I thought this episode deserved a higher mark than a C+. Sure, things accelerated once Hoffman re-entered the picture, but the beginning of the end was actually the moment Fisk got forced out of the shadows……Hoffman was just the proverbial final piece of a Jenga puzzle, causing