
it is the assumption that there are no good men out there and it further engenders, on a very primal level, that the emotional lives of men are unimportant - this commercial reduces in a ridiculously simplistic manner, the complex and never-shared emotional lives of men - it is a simple blanket assignment, that if

Which is funny, because even this site acknowledged that what he did was pretty benign even in the worst light.

Can you give some examples of things that they COULD do? Outside of apologizing and admitting what they did was wrong, who gets to be the moral arbiter that says ‘OK, NOW you’re fine to try to resume a career?’ If its the person themselves, then I think Louis decided that the time was OK for him to perform again. Now,

Wait, when did we demand that people who identify as victims face independent journalistic scrutiny? I don’t see how you can say it’s important to believe victims and not feel at least somewhat confused and torn after reading Moses’ account.

On another branch I had to admit that Edge of Tomorrow and Minority Report are better than just B+.

You’re bonkers.

Whoa. That is some crazy talk right there. It’s cool if you don’t like them that much, but they have clearly reached and hit some very high marks.

Definitely an A- at least.

Russell has I Heart Huckabees, which I would argue is pretty perfect.

If A.A. Dowd is throwing dirt on The Shape of Water, I’m throwing a mountain onto Dallas Buyer’s Club. It’s not even McConaughey’s best role, and it’s definitely not a good performance, much less a great one. (Don’t ever get me started on Jared Leto’s garbage work there...)

This is going to be REALLY controversial, but I’m gonna name Wes Anderson. He has an impeccable eye and sense of design and style, but at the expense of anything approaching warmth or spontaneity, because it is all so designed and arch and calls attention to itself, and more and more he has become wrapped up in

Nabakov hated women?

Your take at more than immediate face value is NOT APPRECIATED HERE. All main characters are decidedly the heroes of the movie and the director loves them and is clearly making a bold statement to society that how they act is how everyone should act, obviously.

well, that seals it.

Yeah but Victorian 18 is, like, present-day 31.

“it was thoroughly investigated by both the Child Sexual Abuse Clinic of the Yale-New Haven Hospital and New York State Child Welfare. They both did so for many months and independently concluded that no molestation had ever taken place. Instead, they found it likely a vulnerable child had been coached to tell the