Produce Stand

If you live somewhere like New York that is feasible. I live in a rural town that has 4 pokestops all at the park. I walked 6 miles in 4 hours around the track. Ollecrong balls at the stops and going around the loops of the park. ZERO Pokémon spawn at the park. No one lures non stop and everyone runs out of pokeballs.

Blanche would never be romantically involved with someone as low as a member of Team Valor.

WTF, I thought I was getting a handy cheat sheet I could send to all my friends. Don’t got time for no video

I don't want to watch a damn video.

This is Self-reflection. It’s a skill adults have. I’m pretty cool with it.

I think, in this situation, we expect it because she spoke about it. I can’t account for other situations because she’s really not my cup of tea so I don’t follow her career all that much, but in this case SHE’S specifically speaking about America. Even if the interviewer outright asked her opinion, she could have

I would like for people, esp. other people of color, to stop acting as if black people are in this privileged position where everybody takes our concerns more seriously than they take the concerns of other marginalized groups.

“I can’t swim! I can’t swim!”

Where exactly is the delineation mark between black gay men and black straight women in terms of cultural qs? I say this because behind most black gay men is a black woman who reared him and sheltered him. Black men didn’t just pop out of the ether with all that sassiness and slang. More than likely they got it from

I also liked the use of effeminate black gay men. No apologies. They twerking and gyrating and it is cool.

Quick PSA: If you don’t “get” this video, it’s because Beyonce didn’t make it for you. There’s nothing that says black culture needs to be distilled and broken down for the masses. Some things are just for us.

This video was so goddamn black it’s not funny. I’m not southern, but my roots are, and that bit with the girls dancing in the shorts gave me flashbacks to the cheer and dance squads we used to have in the hood. Beyonce is black. Black as the bottom of your grandmama’s cast-iron skillet. Blackity black, black, black.

Like those tires would DARE!

The song is meh if you’re looking to something to belt in the car or dance along to.

Oh my god, the rest of the world has discovered otherkin.

Not with a bang but a Geodude.

Played it for YEARS!