
So, next time my cable goes out for a few hours for some unknown reason, I can sue the cable company?

They actually paid that guy to let the band punch him in the face until they got the picture right. I am sure he saw plenty of stars.

I think they should give the iPod at least one more go with Toshiba's 220GB 1.8in hard drive.

Are you f**king kidding me?? These things will get smashed within weeks! Also...why don't they spend the money fixing tracks and signals faster!! Or, they could, oh I don't know...PUT IT TOWARD THE GODDAMN BUDGET GAP!! Because, guess what? Next time they try to raise fares, everybody is going to point to the

Yeah...and it would be much nicer if they didn't! I agree with Curves that not being taxed when I lived in NJ or MA was not my primary reason for shopping at Amazon, but now that I am taxed b/c I live in NY, i certainly miss that benefit.

I am getting married next year, and we need to send out engagement party invitation, save-the-date notices, and wedding invitations. I think it is much more formal to physically mail them, and also, for example, my fiance's grnadmothers don't use email. So, while I agree there may be some overlap in store locations

It's on the back so the speaker doesn't face you? Dumb.

I whole heartedly agree. I had tried numerous pairs of in-ear phones before getting the Turbines, which then lead to the Coppers, and I wouldn't give up my Coppers for anything. they were exactly what I had been searching for.

This knock-off also does not have the heavily rumored larger screen, or the tear-drop shape that has been rumored and was also in the "new" case.

If these are speaker version of their Turbine earphones (as opposed to the Beats) I'm all for it. Especially if they are more like the Copper Turbines...I love those things.

Good, so it's not just me. I don't use Twitter, but I have seen these. But I still don't understand what it does. Is it the same (or similar) to tags blogs use on their articles for searh purposes, or how you can tag Amazon products with different terms and such? If so...what is the purpose of the '#'?

Agreed. I was going to look into that myself, but it would be much easier if Gizmodo would just do it.

So, when the comes out, watch comes out, will my iPhone 4 be able to push text, email, etc. notifications to the watch? Or do i need to wait for Apple to make that happen. the article kinda leave that ambiguous.

Yep...that is why i still wear watches.

So...if were to order one of these, when i got it, would my iPhone 4 be able to push email, text, and whatever other notifications?

Well played sir!

While this is kinda cool, who wants to take the time to go through this? is the point of a vending machine to get your beverage quickly and move on with whatever you were doing before?

These networks are going doing the same thing record labels did when MP3s came around...fighting the future instead of embracing it and finding a working model. It didn't work well for the music industry....

If that is illegal, then somebody better sue the shit out of DropBox b/c I can put music in there and stream it on my iPhone and iPad.