
I agree. The quality of popular music is crap b/c the labels don't think the general population can handle anything besides 4/4 beats and autotuned vocals. I think the general population CAN handle more complex music (does have to be progressive or super technical) if it was pitched to them to try.

I know I am generally the odd man out, but I still buy CDs. And I still love going to records stores, like Vintage vinyl (in Fords, NJ) for instance, and finding some new music based on checking out the actual physical product. However, Jovi has a strong point, but his anger is misdirected.

Anyone else think this dog could be a zombie?

It'll be worth it just to see someone leak the movie months before its release.

So, if one were to do this, there wouldn't be a reason they couldn't tether their iPad, right?

1) No, CDs are not HD. However, that is not what was said. It says it is an "accepted definition of consumer-worthy HD." I take that to mean that the majority of consumers are more than happy with CD quality, especially since they are suing stock apple headphones and Skullcandy and compared to radio and poor quality

iDevices would need to be retooled AND resized. While I am all for 24 bit tracks, my music as is takes a lot of room. So, I can only imagine how much space HQ 24 bit tracks are going to take up! And those of us who purchase music constantly are going to need all the space we can get!

Idk about that. When you can get a CD for $10-12 most of the time, especially on release week (when it may be even cheaper) that's not overpriced. Maybe if current popular music didn't all sound the same or if they had more than 2 g0d/decent songs on the album, it wouldn't be so bad. When the major labels are

For example, FIOS. You cannot add your own external drive to expand the DVR storage they provide. Supposedly it is coming and/or supposedly they are going to start using bigger drives, but these rumors have been going around for a while now.

First of all...500Gb is plenty to record shows onto, especially considering you get significantly less space in DVR boxes. Second...there is now cable/fios/dish providers are going to allow you to DVR onto a device that isn't theirs. At the least, you would still have to pay for the DVR service anyway. And, with

I like my Hulu +, but the only gripe is that some of the newest stuff (i.e. Season 5 of Psych), they don't have rights to stream to mobile devices! How does that make any sense?!? I can watch it on my computer via wifi, but I can't watch it on my iPad the same way? What the hell is the difference?

@FriarNurgle: You can get all the deals in the Amazon app already. There is absolutely no point to this app.

It's officially on Amazon. The 9 disc set is $89.99 right now.

@hostile-17: Thank you! I was wondering the same thing!

@WoodyHD: More importantly...who the hell is spending that much money a gift???

I just got this app, and I love all the features it has. Does anybody know what an equivalent app would be for the iPad? Thanks.

@disaresta: "OH, and, with its reintroduction into the realm of the living, the beloved volume button-shutter button feature is gone. So don't update if you wanna keep that around."

You can only go to 40GB? Doesn't seem worth it when you have 32GB phones, and I am sure the streaming quality is not going to be anywhere near as good as the native music file. Oh, and pay to listen to music I already bought? Yeah...PASS

@scarbrtj: Not for nothing, but nobody mentioned herpes...

@djlaser: No. It is just as fine this way. I personally don't care. It worked the other way, but the new way works exactly like an iPhone..and NOBODY has complained about not having a physical lock switch on their iPhone.