
Yeah, please do this. I'll gladly give you $10 for that version!

Ironically, you could say, I don't listen to them myself, but I do co-host one about heavy metal reviews and news.

There is also Stitcher, which streams them

The band's name is "All Shall Perish" not "All Shalt Perish" #corrections

Gas prices are through the roof, unemployment is at a high, as is our country's debt, people can't feed their families...yet the government is spending money on this? Yeah, it's cool but is this REALLY necessary? I don't think so.

So, what will happen at 1:13PM (13:13) today?

Thank you!!! The right column, which has a few links, is almost as big as the center where the ACTUAL content is. And they also moved the Chat list to a pup up box in the bottom-right instead of conveniently displayed in a column. it wouldnt be so bad if it didn't push open chat windows more into the middle of the

Also, how long does it take? Is this the kind of thing that, even despite the cost, can be done in a reasonable amount of time?

This seems like a good concept, but I am EXTREMELY skeptical of a speaker that small sounding "as good as a regular pair of earbuds" when there is no seal being created.

You need to start getting your digital music from Bandcamp then. (

Another thing with the streaming that this neglects to mention is the SOUND. Video quality is important, and as noted, blu-ray is still better, but that is only half the movie, so to speak. One of the other great features of blu-ray is the uncompressed soundtrack. Until we can stream that, I am not giving up my

Did anybody else think of Resident Evil when they read Raccoon Township, as if was part of Raccoon City?

I would get this in a heart beat if I could add a few of the cable channels (AMC and USA especially).

Closer still is Endor, which is over in California.

I love the idea of watching blu-ray movies at full aspect ratio, sans black bars. It always seemed silly to me that we all go get these big TVs but movies only play on some of the screen b/c of the aspect ratio. This seems like a step in the right direction to fixing that.

Same dude. I haven't counted, but had to be around 200 of them in 2011. And that doesn't even count the vinyl.

"'s not quite the same as stealing..."?? How is walking out of a record store with a CD under your jacket any different than downloading an album you didn't pay for? Oh wait, it's not.

Props for the Duck Dodgers reference.

It is about time somebody mentioned Log! I was goign to myself, but was checking to see if anybody else did!

I absolutely love Arch Enemy. "Wages of Sin" is one of my favorite albums. That said, I would go with almost any other song than this one.