
Egyptians are such hippo-clits.

I thought they were called toboggans, or bobsleds, or something, in Canada.

The "dual layer" shot, otherwise known as the "soap opera" shot.

That's what I call myself when I stake out a Greek restaurant with binoculars.

Years ago in San Francisco we saw a street performer clown that would make balloon animals for kids. There was a small crowd of 4 or 5 families gathered around. He made a balloon animal and gave it to a little kid - when the dad didn't tip him, he snatched the balloon animal back, and destroyed it.

Instead of displaying a clown for every bottle of beer I've drunk, I display an…. empty bottle of beer.

In real life, killing is worse than profanity.

Well, it's a judgement call. Some parents may choose to prohibit any game that contains killing and take an all or nothing approach. That is fine - that's their choice. I choose to try to find some middle ground - definitely not a perfect science by any means.

I appreciate it (but we have the xbox) - thanks!

My son enjoys sports games and puzzle games (Portal), and loved the parkour in Mirrors Edge. But it seams like the majority of games are shooters. So within shooters, there are degrees of violence - the horror sub genre is out. But yes - certain mature themes - sex,drugs,f-bombs I want to limit his exposure

Agreed. He was just mesmerizing in Red State.

I find my son is much more willing to settle for the $5 Madden 2013 when he has to pay for it out of his lawn mowing money.

My son is 11 - and it is a challenge to find games for him - 90% are rated M. I can't imagine it would be difficult to program parental controls into these games: alternate dialogue to replace expletives, tone down blood effects, restrict "levels" that contain drug use, etc.

Hmmm… deliberate symbolism on the part of the filmmaker?

enough with that fancy schmancy legal jargon.

and takes 30 minutes to read, front to back.

"warlockery" is a word I can appreciate.

or The Dutch Oven.

The eyes, yes - but that smile, oh god the smile.

I'll have a Nancy Drew.