
OOOHHHH - you were a hoity toity Intellivison family. You probably rode a Diamondback instead of a Huffy...

The Sausage King of Chicago?

You so perfectly described my relationship/history with AV Club. Thank you.

My favorite as well - just great.

I’m pitching the Footloose/Terminator cross-over I didn’t know we needed.

Throw John Williams in there as well.

That looks like a very “Smokey and the Bandit” Burt Reynolds move right there.

Was I the only one looking at the list of 21 candies and expecting to find a hidden message by taking the first letter from each item?


I think if you have to ask the question if a QB is elite, you already know the answer.

I will also point out, because we love to discuss baseball’s unwritten rules around here - that the Astros lost the game in part b/c of following baseball’s unwritten rules. To wit, in top of the ninth, Bregman was nailed in the left shoulder blade by a 97 mph fastball. Coming out of the top of the ninth, Astros were

Late to the party a bit - but in the season finale, Nancy steps in front of the family truckster and starts firing shots into the windshield of Billy’s Camaro as he careens toward her in the mall parking lot. This is taken from the end of John Carpenter’s “Escape From New York”, where Adrienne Barbeau is standing on


When Johnny Manziel was QB, the Browns were a disabled rottweiler puppy with a mangled kitten in its maw. That puppy may be disabled, but that puppy was an asshole.

When Johnny Manziel was QB, the Browns were a disabled rottweiler puppy with a mangled kitten in its maw. That puppy may be disabled, but that puppy was an asshole.

Remove the plate, and reshape over an anvil (your garage is not complete without a license plate re-shaping anvil).

Only if they’re buried up to their neck.

A “Moist” dating site? Where do I sign up??

Whoa! I just finished IJ this past weekend (I probably took 6+ months to do it). I really liked it. I’m hesitant to click your link - I don’t know if I want the ending explained - perhaps it’s just better to simmer in my uncertainty?

Yeah - I was at UT Austin during this stand-off. Everyday I’d get home from class and turn on the news. It’s crazy to think now that this thing went on for 51 days!