
Not to disparage Dr. Petri - but his dishes are woefully inadequate in containing killer alien life forms.

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice!

"Has legs" - Ha! I see what you did there.

Thanks for the assist!

I had no idea bingo was so addictive.

I used to do drugs. I still do,

Agreed! The first impression a got from the header pic "looks like a young Carrie Fisher" - which, considering Fisher was 19 (I think) when A New Hope was filmed, makes some sense.


"While I'm back here, let me help you out with your golf swing".

But didn't you enjoy that sweet Nielsen family $$$ - I was also a Nielsen family when I was single back in the 90's - I think I remember getting a check for like $7.50 every three months.

That other kind of cheese: Swiss cheese!

And once you post a comment, it takes you back to the top of comments ( at least for me).

As an accountant, I approve.

Agreed - much like Bill Paxton, whenever Goodman shows up in something, it's like an old friend walking into the room.


I have a soft spot for "We're runnin' with the shadows of the night, so baby, take my hand, it'll be alright."

Don't go! We can be like turkeys, circling a dead cat.

What do you want! This article was probably posted remotely, from the writer's couch, within minutes of AV club mentioned on SNL - can we really hold the author to such a high editorial standard? We're lucky this newswire wasn't rendered illegible from a cookies and cream stain.

