
I haven't seen The Big Red One in years - I remember liking it - I need to add it to Netflix…

"You better watch your moouuuttth, mister!"

Your wife, or the watch?

In fact, Hans noticed he was barefoot and instructed his guys to shoot out the glass - clever bastard.

But then Hans smokes using zee West German grip - pinching the cig between thumb and index finger, which instantly gives him away (he doesn't really).

I'm glad they put the kibosh on the pig rectum plan. That would clearly have driven up the cost of hot dogs.

Ok - another headline that needs to be fixed.

[Trump starts bombing the shit out of Alaska].

My "left", or your "left".

I agree - when I start to drink beer, and I know I'm likely to go 8 - 9 into a twelver (after yardwork, football on TV, out by the pool, etc.), Miller Lite will get the job done - and I can actually work the next day (as long as I slam a gatorade before bed).

Well, in Cullinan's defense, Emma does look friggin' adorable in that picture. If I were PWC, I'd leave that post up, as exhibit "A" in my defense - how is the poor guy supposed to stay focused on the job at hand with all that Hollywood glitz/glamour surrounding him.

I am an accountant - the proper procedure, in order to avoid this mixup occurring in the future - once an award is announced, the duplicate envelope from the other case is loaded into a tee-shirt gun, and fired into the audience by Jack Black.

whoa whoa whoa, "funloving quippy" - so is Nightwing DC's answer to Deadpool (keep in mind I know nothing about either character, except what I learned watching Deadpool - so I have no idea if they are similar characters).

An Officer and a Gentleman.

I'll add to Mike D'Angelo's point - he says that the first shot is not in sync, creating a sort of "butterfly effect". In fact, Expectations and Reality are synced up in the first scene at the moment Summer finishes greeting Tom, and he enters the apartment. To get that moment to sync up, Reality has to have Tom

Hmmmm - sounds like a sequal to The Interview - send Seth Rogan and James Franco into NK to extract Trump.

Yeah- I was an Atari 2600 guy, but I was jealous of my friends that had the Intellivision - the controller just looked kick-ass. Just like I was stuck with a Huffy while my friend rode a Mongoose…

Have you priced a Toblerone lately? Outrageous!

Holy crap - that picture of Lucille Ball. I think this was used as the model by the sculptor of that horrifying Lucille Ball statue…

Very true - theoretically, forgiving is to benefit yourself, and can be much easier said than done.