
Yes - it's one thing if an actor wants to subject themselves to abuse to achieve a desired result - however, abusing other actors is just crappy.

Yeah - it just opened a few weeks ago - for lunch only (according to the sign out front).

What is the location of the Beavers you are referencing? They just opened a Beavers on Westheimer near Fountain View (used to be a Texadelphia). Is Beavers a family friendly establishment?

Yeah - they liked their sour milk, but didn't care for the beach too much.

Question: What do the Starship Enterprise and toilet paper have in common?

Well thought out argument - after your description, Naples has moved up on my list of places to visit.

I'm getting a "Two Moon Junction" vibe.

In and of itself, I don't think there is anything wrong with that. Terminator works b/c of the internal logic that Cameron builds into his universe. Spring Breakers is more grounded in "real world" logic, and to me, it was too big a leap for the characters to sink as low as they did that quickly.

Yeah - for Spring Breakers, I think he had an image in his head - young girls in bikinis with ski masks on, carrying uzi's - and had to write a screenplay that got him to that image - I couldn't suspend my disbelief enough to buy that a bunch of partying girls would go that far down the crime rabbit hole in the space

Somewhere - over the (taste the) rainbow!!

Yes - the article mentions several powerful scenes - I'll add this: When they are standing together for a family photo, and Donald is screwing around with the camera, just watching MTM's escalating unease, and finally snapping at Donald….She can't even stand to be next to Conrad for a few minutes and fake maternal

I, too, thought it was the equatorial trench. Like you, I first saw SW as a kid (7 years old). I think the logic in the article is pretty sound - from a distance, the DS surface appears relatively smooth, with the equatorial trench appearing to be the only trench there is.

Well, you just gotta smooth talk Orbit a little bit - get her a little hot and bothered, take your time, and the DS slides right in.

Not pointless for those like myself.

Thanks - very interesting!

Question numero uno: why is the city abandoned (or never populated)?

I'm calling my broker - Penzey's is making a move to corner the Ceylon stick market!

True - if they played it straight, it would be a disaster. It might work if they chose to subvert those 70's touchstones - a la Brady Bunch Movie, or 21 Jump Street (I know not 70's, but you catch my drift).

I'm no economist (it has been 25 years since my last economics course) - but when she describes high prices, due to low demand, which in turn raises the price, which in turn lowers the demand - I'm wondering if there is some hoity-toity name for that phenomenon in economic circles…
