




In Soviet-Russia, forty-year-old Soviet-produced medium-format camera lens dismantles, fixes, and reassembles YOU.

"Um, sweetie ….. I think your minge has mange."

"first solar eclipse since 1979." - what the hell does that mean? Solar eclipses are more frequent than that (aren't they?).

Boom is to Blitz as Scrappy is to Scooby.

Yeah - I haven't been able to listen to Joe Buck ever since Randy Moss did the fake mooning after scoring a touchdown - he reacted with such disgust, like Moss was clubbing a baby seal in the end zone.


Don't forget the Stormtrooper's local 572 union agreement doesn't allow for K-2SO replacement of Stormtrooper personnel. Vader, who internally resents the fact he has become dependent on robotic technology to survive, backed the Stormtroopers in the most recent union contract negotiations.

Holy crap! - Outside a Spring Creek BBQ (Texas) restaurant, they had planted a sapling, which was wired to two stakes for support. My 7 year old son was running to the front door - it was night, and didn't see the wire. The thing clothes-lined him right at the neck - took him to the ground - he was ok (thank God) -

If that's the case - that's pretty egregious - usually it's maybe a pithy zinger in a trailer that doesn't make the final cut - but if they shot this, knowing full well it wasn't part of the plot - that's some grade-A BS right there.

I avoided all trailers prior to seeing this - so luckily, I avoided that sense of disappointment. Now that I'm seeing the linked screen shots, I totally see what you mean. It would have been nice if they had figured a way to work those scenes in (I'd happily accept another 10 - 15 minutes run time).

Which side of Houston? To the north, the suburbs are piney woods, to the west - rice fields as far as the eye can see, to the south - gulf coast low lands where the briny sea air fills your lungs, and to the east - refinery spewed toxic clouds that make your eyes water….

By "special place in my heart" do you mean "clogging my right coronary artery".

FYI - not listed in the states above was Texas - there is at least one Jollibee in Texas - located in Houston near NRG stadium.

No - they bump stumps.

Albany to El Paso?!? The bus left Albany last week - have you made it to El Paso yet?

Not seen in the photo- a line forming behind Marx- two jive turkeys with brass knuckles, a nun with a baseball bat…