
“Third, cell phone and refueling”

As a non-Pats fan, let me just say: fuck ALL of you Pats fans.

Yeah, but when are they going to make the coupe version of this? And then the four-door version of the coupe of the four-door?

It would have been too easy.

I thought this too when watching CNN this morning, but I guarantee he’ll outsource it to some staffer. It will read like all his teleprompter ransom speeches.

Quick, let’s have a guess what Trump’s letter is going to say to his successor (assuming he has one and doesn’t crown himself overlord).

Klis is a fucking tool. I lost all respect for him the year Tebow was QB and he had his head so far up Tebow’s ass it was embarrassing. He was basically cheering for him in his columns. In fact, I believe he even wrote a book about him that season. LOL Of course, you expect homerism to a degree, but Klis went way

Pretty sure the fact that teams are looking at Brock Osweiler is proof that there’s a blacklist out for Kaepernick...

Yeah fuel plus diff services, trans services, probably at least 1 water pump, spark plugs, air filters, oil & filter changes, tires, likely at least one catalytic converter, struts a couple times, a transmission rebuild is likely on the 4R.

For example if the Town Car got 25 mpg, after 300,000 at $2.50/gallon, that’s $30,000 right there in gasoline alone.

It includes gas

Yeah, but for a lower price, are you getting the same amount of smug superiority?

If anyone picks Rainbow Road from Mario Kart 64, we will have words.

I look forward to removing those badges immediately after leaving the lot. Just like all the other VWAG badging.

4th paragraph.

And why would an owner whine publicly on the receipt before the guest has a chance to tip his own employee better? Just shut the fuck up and be grateful no one notices happy hour prices going up 15 cents across the board to cover that rising tide, lifting all them boats. Stupid jerk.

He runs like a proper English gentleman, you peasant.

Worth noting that his ball, when found after the allotted time, was not actually in the hazard, meaning the officials were correct. Poulter is insufferable.

I think there is some truth to this. I’d happily rock a Daewoo shirt.