
As Stephen Colbert says, Trump sits on every chair as if it’s a toilet.

John Oliver observed that he sits on every chair like it’s a toilet. And it’s true - he really does look like he’s taking a dump everywhere he goes!

You have to teach him to be human first...

There is a list a mile long headed with “Can someone teach Trump how to...” including:

Well, when your head is as far up your ass as Trump’s is, I imagine it’s difficult to sit down normally.

He is our manspreader-in-chief. Apparently his balls are too massive for him to sit like a normal person.

Can someone teach Trump HOW TO SIT ON A GODDDAMN CHAIR?!?

So, I get that it’s not unusual for visiting heads of state to ride in the carriage, but is it unusual for them to insist on it? Also, you know, if Donald decides that it’s worth the risk, who am I to tell him otherwise?

This stuff is a Southern Thing when the Southern States lean more conservative right-wing Jesus Freak shit. It’s called the Bible Belt for a reason. Nixon’s Southern Strategy, Lee Atwater’s shit, teaching Creationism in schools... did you forget all that shit?

No, not every. But on the whole, the North isn’t as bad as the South. Also, if we didn’t have the Klan States still hanging on to the US like dingleberries on the asshole of America, we might not have had the GOP’s Southern Strategy shit that’s poisoned us for 50 years.

It would withstand legal challenges in an America with Merrick Fucking Garland on the SCOTUS. But, you know, Repukes. They hate women. Except Stepford Wives.

I read half the article and had to take a breath. What the holy everlasting fuck. Who the hell thought this was a good idea and WHY IS THE SLAVE SMILING?! I hope I read about an apology next or maybe someone suspended from their job?


The way in which they wink and nod and claim that everyone will have access is so disgusting. By that standard everyone in the United States will have access to healthcare in the sense that everyone who can pay for it will be able to get it. By this measure we NEVER had a problem.

This shit has been going on for years:

I have no doubt in mind that even if his very constituents lost their healthcare prior to the next Presidential election, they’ll believe whatever lie he comes up with to explain it. These people are lost. I’m not holding my breath for them to grow a sense of self-awareness. We will need to resist without them!

I’m getting married in June and I’ve been having anxiety over having kids and the marriage not working out and what’s happening with Paula and Robin happening to me. I would never want to put my future child in that position. Idk, I’m probably projecting but I wish they’d resolve this soon and peaceful.