
This is why I love the Dead Rising series so much (except the dumbed down DR3). The original was made for multiple plays, not just 1 or 2. You learned how to min/max better each play through. And you still learned secrets and found new Easter eggs each play (wasn’t until my fifth or so I learned about using the

Yes. It’s called QA, not I play games well.

As someone that has worked in QA for over a decade I can say their description is false. Being too “good” at the game does not make you a good QA department. Good QA tests all variables, not just being good at the game. There should have been a test plan that covered having partners KO’d during boss fights. At the

Same story as you, opening night of Step-Up 3D. I’ve never laughed so hard during a movie in my life.

That is why we take our dicks out for Harambe. To honor a benevolent gorilla that did so much with so little.

I have done this THREE times on my X360. I have 160,000+ Gamerscore, so that’s a metric fuckton of game saves. I’ve killed 54,000 zombies in the original Dead Rising four goddamn times (five if you include the remaster).

Vaudeville Villain is one of my favorite albums of all time.

Maybe she can start a similar company named Equestri-Pen.

Has Harrison Ford ever actually been in character though?

Bro is far too informal for a business discussion, probably would have gotten that sponsorship if he had known to throw a few Bruh’s in there.

It’s part of why we have so many “perks”.

Don’t ever work in video game development then.

The Guest was quite good as well, it’s on Netflix right now. Just see a lot of comments about how boring found footage is and all the tropes so I thought it might help to mention it was being made by people known to subvert tropes.

So we aren’t even going to mention that it is being made by the team that did You’re Next and The Guest. That’s more exciting than the fact it’s a Blair Witch movie. They have shown that they can take a formulaic film and turn it on its head so I can’t wait to see what they do here.

You know what it is on the way way.

I interviewed at Ouya and walked away laughing when I saw their fly by night office.

Thank you. I hate when I’m using a window and everyone else on the team comes to the same window when there are three other ones and a door to cover.

Sunset Overdrive on Xbox One...

Not when you're 16.

Easy analogy: Your brother or sister has a toy you want to play with, even though you have the same parents you still have to work out a deal between yourself and your sibling to play with it.