
I read this and my brain says, "Of course thigh gaps are ridiculous and another physical attribute that women are trying to attain for men."

Jez doesn't do apologies.

First of all, Enrico Whats His Name was phenomenal casting for Gianni. I did a doubletake because I thought it was the real thing. Also, Raquel Welch looks amazing and of course, Gina Gershon killed it as Donatella. That being said, the runway shows were laughable. The "models" were straight of central casting, the

This is fucking hilarious. You do realise that this is an article about thin-shaming, right? And that you are the one derailing here?

I have a very pretty, very sweet coworker who I call "baby giraffe" because she has super gorgeous, long legs. She's really thin, but not unhealthy. So many clients come in and say, "she is just so skinny!!" Or "my god, does she eat?!" I get really defensive of my friend, and I always want to go off on them. I HATE

Honey, you're only 38! You're still beautiful. Come on, now.

RIGHT?!?!?! I swear, if I ate a cheeseburger every time some random person ordered me to, I would've died of a heart attack 6 years ago. People just come up to me to let me know I'm "too thin." Or a friend's family members refer to me as "the girl with the problem" after meeting me at a funeral. Literally, her cousin

One of the biggest reasons why the world is full of assholes is because of a lack of empathy. People can't understand what it's like to be treated a certain way, and so they can never wrap their heads around why it's wrong to treat other people like shit... unless it happens to them. Which is pretty much what's

Four years in prison for something you did not do, countless legal bills, your name soiled across the world, and probably years of therapy....

I'm amused so many commenters can't see any difference between a spoiled rich girl acting like she's normal and average when her parents give her huge sums of money to buy expensive property, and an older woman who thinks her princess nickname is ridiculous, understands that she is in a unusual position, happened to

While I know all of this to be factually true, it is just so nice to hear it from someone else. I've had herpes simplex my whole life and spent g-d knows how many hours feeling awful and disgusting and dirty (even though I got it from my MOM as a kid). So yeah, even if you don't publish this, thank you.

Does it say that she had unprotected sex?

The worst part about this whole thing is that this is the caliber of person who is able to get through law school and into a judicial position in our country. Makes me worry for all of us.

From someone who has worked both on newspapers and magazines, there IS an inherent difference. Newspapers and magazines (generally) contain quite different content and rely on different conventions. Newspapers are (supposed to) deliver mostly unbiased content that deals in factual information and not much else. Photos

That commenter is hung up on who became physical first, whereas we realize that the act of stalking someone through their neighborhood is a pretty fucking aggressive and creepy thing to do to somebody. And it's not like George Zimmerman was going to stop the car and be like, "hey kid! You forgot your change at the

I think this is an important point. People get so up in arms about Zimmerman's right to act a fool, but no one is talking about Trayvon's rights. His right to life. His right to walk from a corner store to a relative's house at whatever pace he chose — even though it was raining, and even though he was black. His

I sure hope she did.

I have only been a US citizen for a few years and I have noticed that POC (as I recently learned the term) are less likely to negotiate or push for more money. They seem like they are more likely to take what they can get out of fear of loss.